Elden Ring : Where To Buy Boss Armor Sets. The boss armor and weapons that those abominations used against you are now yours to use. Against more foes in almost every Souls game created by FromSoftware. Boss armor acquisition wasn’t always obvious, but Elden Ring makes it simple, accessible. And available no matter where you are in a session.
Elden Ring : Where To Buy Boss Armor Sets

Go to Finger Reader Enia in the Roundtable Hold to purchase boss armor sets in Elden Ring. You’ll need to have spoken with the Two Fingers and acquired at least one Great Rune. She’ll probably be the next monster you encounter after you kill Godrick. Although any boss that offers a Great Rune will do. Speaking to the two, for example, has no effect and the previously locked doors in the back of the Roundtable will be open.
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If you kill Rennala, Queen of the FulI Moon, a new option called “Receive equipment of champions” will show up in Enia’s vendor menu. Initially, Enia won’t offer boss gear.
You can purchase the armor of any boss by opening this new menu. The boss armor store owned by Enia will eventually be reached by Renalla, Radahn, Malenia, and numerous others. It should be noted that not all bosses with Remembrances will have accessible armor. For someone like Rykard or even Godrick to have armor that a common person could wear would be absurd. However, non-Remembrance bosses like Commander Niall and Elemer of the Briar offer their sets.

Boss armor is also pricey, as befits its status and superior stature. They come in four-piece sets, and the price ranges from just a few thousand Runes for Renalla’s set to about 100,000 Runes for Malenia’s or Godfrey’s. No matter what gender your character is, you can wear boss armor. However, some types of boss armor may look better on certain body types than others. The most significant aspect of Fashion Souls is ultimately whatever it becomes to you.
Elden Ring has armor sets for sale.
The full Knight armour set can also be purchased from the Twin Maiden Husks once you have unlocked Roundtable Keep, the Tarnished headquarters that you’ll be allowed to visit pretty early in the game. Apart than those, Elden Ring has a large number of additional merchants.