Where To Get Chinese Chomping Cabbages In Hogwarts Legacy 2023. The story of a young fifth-year student during their first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is told in Hogwarts Legacy. While most of the main story requires the protagonist to use their rare powers to stop a terrible evil. There is a great deal of fun to had by simply exploring the vast world outside the castle’s walls.
While exploring the world of Hogwarts Legacy and progressing through the story. Players will happen upon several unique items that can used in combat. Chinese Chomping Cabbage plants serve a particularly useful purpose in combat due to how overpowered they can be, so players should stock up on them before initiating challenging battles.
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Where To Get Chinese Chomping Cabbages In Hogwarts Legacy 2023

Upon releasing a Chinese Chomping Cabbage in Hogwarts Legacy, the player will be able to watch the unusual plant as it lunges towards nearby enemies and proceeds to chomp down on them. This is an especially handy way to deal additional damage to enemies while also casting spells at them.
If releasing one Chinese Chomping Cabbage wasn’t enough, players can unlock the ability to release two at once for the price of one. To do so, they must obtain the Fertilizer Talent. Which can found in the Room of Requirement subsection of the Talents menu. With this Talent, you can unleash Chinese Chomping Cabbages twice as effectively.
Learn More: All Fruit Spawn Location In Fruit Warriors
Where To Buy Chinese Chomping Cabbages In Hogwarts Legacy

Upon visiting Hogsmeade for the first time, the player will gain access to the various stores littered around. While most of the main shops can found close to the centre of the town. A select few can visited by exploring the edges of the Hogsmeade map.
To purchase Chinese Chomping Cabbages, the player will need to travel north to the top of Hogsmeade. Where they will discover the Dogweed and Deathcap, a handy shop owned by Beatrice Green. Upon interacting with Beatrice, the player will be able to buy Chinese Chomping Cabbages for 300 Galleons.
Sadly, Beatrice’s stock of Chinese Chomping Cabbages limited. So players won’t always be able to rely on her. For those who wish to obtain as many Chinese Chomping Cabbages as possible, they should instead purchase the Chinese Chomping Cabbage Seeds for 600 Galleons.
How To Grow Chinese Chomping Cabbages In Hogwarts Legacy

The player can grow their own Chinese Chomping Cabbage Seeds by interacting with a Potting Table if they have purchased them from the Dogweed and Deathcap. The first Potting Table in Hogwarts Legacy can obtained by completing the Herbology Class main quest. After which the player can visit Professor Garlick’s classroom to use it.
Those who want to grow several Chinese Chomping Cabbages at the same time can conjure several Potting Stations in the Room of Requirement. The player can then interact with one of the Potting Tables they’ve conjured and choose to grow Chinese Chomping Cabbages.
This is by far the best way to obtain Chinese Chomping Cabbages in Hogwarts Legacy. As it is significantly less expensive than purchasing them from the Dogweed and Deathcap store and also provides significantly more of them.
What is Hogwarts' Chinese biting cabbage legacy?
Chinese Chomping Cabbage was a magical plant that was presumably native to China. As the name suggests, it had the ability to chomp on foods, such as carrots. It was also a necessary ingredient in the creation of the healing potion Skele-Gro.