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How To Use Petrificus Totalus In Hogwarts Legacy

How To Use Petrificus Totalus In Hogwarts Legacy

How To Use Petrificus Totalus In Hogwarts Legacy. In Hogwarts Legacy, players will have access to a wide range of spells to use against their opponents. From the ferocious, long-range Confringo to the barrel-creating Transformation spell, players can tailor their hotkeys and play style to their favourite spells. Some spells, however, cannot be placed on a specific button and must be fulfilled by the player before they can be used. Petrificus Totalus, one of these spells, has an offensive application.

Total Petrificus

Total Petrificus
Total Petrificus

In the Harry Potter universe, Petrificus Totalus is a spell that paralyses its victims, and Hogwarts Legacy is no exception. This spell has been used a few times throughout the series, including when Hermione paralysed Nevil Longbottom in The Philosopher’s Stone. Players will also be able to use this powerful spell themselves, albeit in an indirect manner via another spell.

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Purchasing Petrificus Totalus

Purchasing Petrificus Totalus
Purchasing Petrificus Totalus

Players must first complete the quest “Secrets of the Restricted Section” before they can use this spell. In this quest, players will work with Sebastian Sallow, a Slytherin boy with darker tendencies. The plot requires players to sneak into the restricted section of the library. Sebastian will teach players the Disillusionment Charm, a spell that allows them to blend in with the background, to accomplish this. While this does not make players invisible, it does allow them to enter a sneak mode in order to avoid the attention of any enemies in the area.

The main sneak method in Hogwarts Legacy, the Disillusionment Charm, comes with a few extra mechanics. Because a sneak mode in a game cannot exist without the ability to launch a sneak attack, this game includes its own version of a sneak attack. Petrificus Totalus is the name of the sneak attack.

Employing Petrificus Totalus

Employing Petrificus Totalus
Employing Petrificus Totalus

There are two ways for players to use Petrificus Totalus. The first of these is self-evident. Players can use the Disillusionment Charm to sneak up on enemies, and when they get close enough, the game will prompt them to use Petrificus Totalus. This spell will then paralyse the enemy, allowing you to defeat them with a stealth finisher. This is the most common way to apply Petrificus Totalus.

However, there is a second way to cast the spell. If players have chosen to use Dark Magic, they can learn the Unforgivable Curses to use against their enemies. Imperio, a spell that allows players to mind control most enemies in the game, is the second Unforgivable Curse that players can learn. If players cast this spell on an enemy and then defeat all other enemies in combat, they will be left with a mind-controlled enemy who roams the battlefield. Before Imperio wears off, players can approach their new minion and cast Petrificus Totalus on them as if using a stealth finisher. Depending on the enemy, this will knock them out without a fight, giving players time to deal with their minion before their control over them fades.


Can Petrificus Totalus be used in combat?

However, Petrificus Totalus is far more versatile than many fans realise, with combat applications beyond Hogwarts Legacy’s stealth scenarios. As Reddit user Wooryn pointed out, Hogwarts Legacy players can use Petrificus Totalus even when in open combat.

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