Tales Of Symphonia Remastered: How To Use Over Limit. Over Limit is a gameplay mechanic in Tales of Symphonia Remastered that allows characters to perform powerful attacks and combos. Here’s how to use Over Limit in the game:
- Build up the Over Limit Gauge: The Over Limit Gauge is located below the character’s HP and TP bars. It fills as the character attacks enemies or takes damage. Once the gauge is full, the character will enter Over Limit mode.
- Activate Over Limit: To activate Over Limit, press and hold the L2 button (or whatever button assigned to Over Limit on your controller) when the Over Limit Gauge is full. The character’s portrait will start glowing, indicating that they’re in Over Limit mode.
- Use Over Limit attacks: While in Over Limit mode, the character can perform special attacks and combos that are more powerful than their normal attacks. These attacks have different effects depending on the character and can used by pressing the B button (or whatever button assigned to special attacks on your controller) during a combo.
Note that Over Limit mode lasts for a limited time and will end once the Over Limit Gauge depleted. To make the most of Over Limit, try to use it when facing tough enemies or during boss battles.
Also, keep in mind that different characters have different Over Limit attacks, so experiment with different party combinations to see all the possible attacks.
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Tales Of Symphonia Remastered: How To Use Over Limit

Symphonia Remastered: How To Use Over Limit. One of the earliest Tales of games to use the Over Limit feature was Tales of Symphonia. We will demonstrate how to use Over Limit in Tales of Symphonia Remastered today because the Over Limit state is mysterious and never properly explained.
There’s a strong chance that if you’ve been playing Tales of Symphonia Remastered, you’ve encountered one of your characters entering Over Limit. What does Over Limit do, exactly? Although the game doesn’t really do a fantastic job at explaining anything, don’t worry; we’ll do it here instead.
Learn More: How To Use Mystic Artes In Tales Of Symphonia Remastered
If one of your characters crosses the Over Limit line, swap to them and launch a swift attack on your foes. Take advantage of Over Limit while you can because it doesn’t last very long and makes you virtually unstoppable.
Using Over Limit in Tales of Symphonia: A Guide Remastered

If one of your rivals enters Over Limit, on the other hand, you should adopt a defensive posture. However, some bosses have the ability to reach Over Limit and employ devastating special arts known as Mystic Artes, which will usually defeat the majority of standard foes before it can happen. Attempt to avoid the boss and wait for the Over Limit to subside.
Hence, how can one enter Over Limit? It’s unfortunately a little tricky because you can’t just manually activate it whenever you want.
Every combatant, especially adversaries, possesses a secret value called tension. All tension levels begin at zero and rise for a variety of reasons, such as the following:
- attacking opponents
- sustaining harm
- Party participants are defeated
- Cooking incentives
A character will begin glowing red and their party image will begin flashing when they experience a large level of tension. They’ll enter Over Limit when the tension reaches its peak, which indicated by a dark aura surrounding them.
One of your characters might approach Over Limit in the beginning of a conflict because tension values degrade over time and carry over from battle to battle. However, death will instantly return your level of stress to zero.
What mysterious arts can you practise in Tales of Symphonia?
You must have the Material Blade equipped on Lloyd in order to use Falcon’s Crest in combat, and his Health must drop to at least 16 percent. When this occurs, concurrently press Attack, Guard, and Tech to unleash the Mystic Arte!