How To Use Super Missiles In Metroid Prime Remastered. Super Missiles are an upgrade to the regular Missiles in Metroid Prime Remastered. To obtain Super Missiles in the game, you’ll need to have already acquired the Power Bombs.
Here are the steps to get Super Missiles in Metroid Prime Remastered:
- Travel to the Chozo Ruins and locate the room called “Ruined Shrine.” You can get there from the Tallon Overworld by using the Spider Ball to traverse a wall in the Overgrown Cavern.
- Once you’re in the Ruined Shrine, use a Power Bomb to destroy a cracked wall. This will reveal a hidden passage.
- Follow the passage to reach a room called “Tower of Light.” Here, you’ll find a Chozo Artifact called “Sun Tower.”
- Shoot the Sun Tower with a charged shot to activate it. This will cause a platform to appear that will take you up to a higher level.
- Jump across the platforms to reach the top of the tower, where you’ll find a Chozo Statue that’s holding the Super Missile upgrade. Scan the statue to obtain the upgrade.
Once you have the Super Missiles, you can use them to deal more damage to tougher enemies and to open doors that require Super Missiles. To use Super Missiles, simply switch to them using the weapon wheel, then fire them like regular Missiles.
In Metroid Prime Remastered, Samus Aran’s journey to the uncharted planet Tallon IV is described in depth. Samus can obtain a number of suit and weapon upgrades in Metroid Prime Remastered, including the recognisable Super Missiles.
The Super Missiles not only have a powerful punch, but they are also necessary to blow open particular kinds of barriers. We’ll demonstrate today where to find and how to employ Super Missiles in Metroid Prime Remastered.
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How To Use Super Missiles In Metroid Prime Remastered

To complete Metroid Prime Remastered, the Super Missiles are a necessary upgrade, thus unless you plan on speedrunning through the game’s sequences, you will ultimately need to acquire them.
The Space Pirate observatory in Phendrana Drifts is where you can find the Super Missiles. The purple-colored doors require the Wave Beam to open, therefore you won’t be able to find them on your first visit there.
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Backtrack to Magmoor Caverns to get the Space Jump, then head back to Phendrana Drifts to slay the adult Sheegoth to get the Wave Beam upgrade. You can battle your way through the observatory with the Wave Beam.
The observatory’s main chamber is a sizable dome space. After getting rid of the Space Pirates in the chamber, roll into the Morph Ball slots and bomb it to turn on the room’s electricity. After that, you’ll have to climb the observatory while blasting more slots; when you’ve cleared them all, a big generator will turn on in the middle of the space.
You can roll the Morph Ball into the generator’s four little tunnels. The observatory’s astral map turns on after a slot is bombed, revealing a central platform with the Super Missiles upgrade.
How to use Metroid Prime Remastered’s Super Missiles

The Super Missiles upgrade in Metroid Prime Remastered is the game’s first “beam combo” upgrade. By building up a beam and shooting a missile at the same time, beam combos are activated.
With the Super Missiles, you must first charge the regular Power Beam before firing a missile while continuing to press the button. The standard Missile is transformed into a Super Missile by the charged energy from the Power Beam! Super Missiles cost 5 Missiles to fire.
Hold A/ZR to charge the Power Beam if you’re using the default control scheme, for instance. After fully charged, hold down A/ZR while firing a Super Missile by pressing R.
Super Missiles can rip open cordite-made objects and doors in addition to dealing enormous damage to adversaries.
We have now finished explaining where to find and how to use Super Missiles in Metroid Prime Remastered. Please share any further queries or advice in the comments section below.
How does Metroid Prime's Super Missile work?
The Super Missile Charge Combo is the only one necessary to win both games. While the combo must be gained in the Torvus Temple in Echoes by defeating eight Space Pirates, it may be found in Prime’s Observatory. In both games, it’s a Single Shot Charge Combo.