How To Get Mothim In Pokemon GO. For the Pokemon GO Festival of Colors 2023 Collecting Challenge, follow these steps to evolve Burmy into Mothim.
Trainers will be able to take part in the second annual Festival of Colors event for the next week in the tenth season of Pokemon GO. The field research assignments, rewards, and other details of the event previously covered in our guide. But there one aspect of it that some players appear to having trouble understanding.
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How To Get Mothim In Pokemon GO
To obtain Mothim in Pokemon GO, you will first need to catch a male Burmy. Burmy is a Bug-type Pokemon that can be found in the wild or hatched from 5 km Eggs.
Burmy has three different forms: Plant Cloak, Sandy Cloak, and Trash Cloak. The form of Burmy you catch will depend on the location where you catch it.

Once you have caught a male Burmy, you will need to evolve it into a Mothim. To do this, you will need to make sure your Burmy is a male and then collect 50 Burmy candies.
After collecting the necessary candies, you can evolve your male Burmy into a Mothim by selecting it from your list of Pokemon and choosing the evolve option.
Keep in mind that the evolution of Burmy into Mothim is permanent and cannot be reversed.
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How To Get Mothim
Players must capture numerous Pokemon for the Festival of Colors Collection Challenge, including Koffing, Bruxish, and Krabby. But, one of the objectives requires evolving a Pokemon into a Mothim, and that Pokemon is Burmy.
In Pokemon GO, how can you obtain Mothim?

Pokemon GO players must evolve a Burmy in order to complete the event’s challenge. However this is challenging because the Burmy in question must be a male. Players’ female Burmy will evolve into a Wormadam if they feed it 50 Burmy Candy, and it won’t count towards the collecting challenge.
Players must capture a Burmy in order to determine its gender; afterward, they must check their storage box to confirm. The symbol with the circle, the line pointing down. And another horizontal line across it is the female sign, and it will be to the right of the Pokemon’s name. The masculine sign is the other, as seen in the picture with Axew.
In Pokemon GO, obtaining Burmy Candy

Since all three species (Sandy, Plant, and Trash) have enhanced spawn rates until March 14, the final day of the celebrations, there are fortunately plenty of Burmy to catch during the Festival of Colors event. Yes, Burmy can also shine while the event is going on.
If it’s a male Pokemon GO user, they can finally evolve their Burmy Candy into a Mothim once they have collected 50 of them. The quickest way to earn Candy is to utilise Pinap Berries for every Burmy encounter. And if there are extras in storage, give them to the professor. Burmy evolutionary line can gain extra Candy by set up as a Buddy Pokémon and then walked alongside.