How To Use Divine Beasts In Wo Long Fallen Dynasty. In Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, Divine Creatures are the equivalent of an ultimate ability. One use of these animals can radically turn the tide of combat when it seems impossible to win. They also give their users passive advantages.
But, players don’t have one to begin with and don’t appear to be able to select new ones. Even after finishing the game, a lot of players are still unsure of how to access Divine Beasts and how to make the most of them in the most challenging battles Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty has to offer.
How To Use Divine Beasts In Wo Long Fallen Dynasty

Certain plot milestones in the story automatically unleash Divine Creatures. The first one unlocked during the last boss battle in part one, whereas the majority of them unlocked after defeating a boss. To win the battle, use it against General Zhang Liang.
After then, players working on the campaign will finally have all of them when they succeed because they only unlocked by moving through the main story and cannot missed. The metre can increased by guarding and parrying, but the Divine Beast itself can be lethal against the appropriate boss.
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Using Divine Beasts
- Summon: B+Y or Circle+Triangle
- Resonation: X+Y or Square+Triangle

Technically, even if a player never casts the move that unleashes a Heavenly Beast’s power, they still use them. Like the five virtues, each one provides passive advantages of varied degrees. It’s a good idea to test the new one out at a Battle Flag area after unlocking one.
Proceed to “Battle Preparation” and read up on these three topics. The passive advantages of each one come first. See what happens once the Divine Beast called. Lastly, discover the function of the Holy Beast’s resonance power. Will differ between each of them, but generally speaking, all Divine Creatures that called will attack and benefit, and all Resonation powers will offer a potent bonus.