How To Cure Vampirism In Skyrim Without Falion. In Skyrim, vampirism a condition that can be contracted by the player character. If you wish to cure your character of vampirism, there are a few steps you need to follow:
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How To Cure Vampirism In Skyrim Without Falion
- Locate a shrine: You need to find a shrine dedicated to any of the Nine Divines in Skyrim. There are several throughout the game, but the easiest one to find is the Shrine of Talos, located just outside of Whiterun.
- Pray at the shrine: Approach the shrine and interact with it to pray. You will receive a message that you have cured of your vampirism.
- Visit a healer: Once you have prayed at the shrine, you will still have the negative effects of vampirism. To fully cure yourself, you need to find a healer who can cure diseases. The easiest place to find a healer is in any of the major cities, such as Whiterun or Solitude.
- Cure the disease: Speak to the healer and ask them to cure your disease. You will need to pay a fee for their services. Once you have cured, the negative effects of vampirism will removed from your character.
Note: It’s important to cure your character of vampirism as soon as possible, as the condition can have a number of negative effects on your character, including weakness to fire, reduced health regeneration, and increased damage from sunlight.

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Dawnguard Vampirism Treatment Advantages Skyrim Vampire Guide
The majority of those who have Sanguinare Vampiris sickness wish to cure themselves of it, and for good reason most of the time. After all, living as a vampire is a curse, and they remain connected to Molag Bal even after their final passing. Nonetheless, those who able to overcome the stages of the curse found to far more powerful than the typical member of society.
There are many benefits to remaining a vampire and avoiding treatment, especially for players that prioritise a Magicka or stealth-focused build. Vampirism normally something to avoided by roleplayers and novice players, but it doesn’t imply that you shouldn’t try it at least once in Skyrim.
Vampirism Stages and Statistics
There are four stages of vampirism, each of which provides the player with various advantages and disadvantages as well as a variety of special spells focused on vampires. Players must wait a few days after being ill (or after bitten by particular NPCs) before entering Stage One of the illness and developing their first talents. As the sickness reaches Stage 4, the player will feared and attacked on sight because of the progression of their physical condition.
Specialized Spells and Powers
Various skills and passive stat alterations granted at various phases of vampirism. Sensitivity to Fire and Weakness to Sunlight two examples of these variables that intrinsically bad, yet they can be passively managed. Vampires only have access to three new spells in Stage One, but by Stage Four, they have five spells at their disposal, each of which is more intriguing and useful than the previous.
Special Spells

- Depending on the player’s vampire stage, the power of the spell “Vampiric Drain,” which depletes a single target’s health, increases
- the vampiric servant a basic necromancy spell with a 1-minute duration whose potency increases with the player’s vampire stage
- When a Vampire Sees: An adjustable upgrade to night vision
- The Seduction of a Vampire can feed and at least once a day, soothe NPCs and creatures. Achieved at Stage 2.
- When using Vampire’s Sight, Embrace of Shadows makes the user invisible for three minutes once every day. Awarded at Stage 4.
Unique Skills
- Champion of the Night: 25% Illusion spell enhancement
- In the Steps of a Nightstalker Sneaking is 25% more successful.
- Vampiric Power: increases the benefit to Unarmed in proportion to the vampire’s stage.
- Sunlight Weakness: Provides a significant weakness to ordinary daylight that scales with the vampire’s level.
While having this illness in Skyrim may prompt some players to research vampirism cures, the curse has certain advantages as well. Although not being able to move around as readily in sunlight is a huge hindrance, it’s not as difficult to manage as some players believe. The effects of these spells and abilities are available nowhere else in the game. Before giving up on trying to locate the Skyrim vampirism cure, take some time to explore if being a vampire works to your advantage.
Speak with the local innkeeper
Go to the closest inn when the player has had enough of the vampire curse. Innkeepers are a wonderful source of knowledge in Skyrim because they frequently have a few rumours that the player can investigate. However, if the Dragonborn has Vampirism, the innkeeper will make a remark about their appearance and assign them the Rising at Dawn quest.
The player can speak with a member of the Dawnguard if there are no inns around when the curse becomes intolerable. High levels of vampirism can make it difficult to enter an inn, making it all the more important to learn how to treat vampirism in Skyrim because residents will flee at the player’s very sight. Yet, Dawnguard members composed of tougher stuff. In either case, the innkeeper or Dawnguard member will give the player instructions to visit Morthal’s mage Falion.
Next, locate Falion in Morthal
Redguard mage Falion is the foremost authority on curing vampireism in Skyrim. He was formerly in charge of Conjuration at the College of Winterhold, but he cut connections with the institution after an unclear incident. He is currently assisting players in Morthal with the Rising at Dawn quest by curing their vampireism. On the river’s east side, next to the water, is where you may find Falion.
He will give the player instructions to fill one Black Soul Gem and then come back. Grand Souls of the majority of big, sentient species, including the playable races, used to fill Black Soul Gems. Falion also offers to sell Black Soul Gems for a reasonable price if going to fill one takes too much time. Falion will start the ritual once the player has filled the Black Soul Gem with their return.
Finish Fallon’s Ritual at last

Falion directs the player to some nearby Summoning Stones in a river delta to the north and north-west of Morthal. To cure vampirism, the player won’t need to provide Falion any further materials. Your vampire curse will removed if you just stand in the Summoning Stones and let him do his thing.
If the Dragonborn ever feels the want to return to their vampire ways, done more than once. Every time, one filled Black Soul Gem will required. And the player will also need to track down Falion and follow him to the Summoning Stones. The Skyrim vampire cure used more than once with no harmful effects, however it can be tedious to go through repeatedly.
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Use console commands as a last resort
The player can always use console commands to remove the vampire curse if they absolutely don’t want to follow the in-game procedures. The “showracemenu” command is the simplest and least disruptive approach. In-game, press the key on the keyboard to start a console command. This will halt the game and display a command line with a flashing icon on the bottom left of the screen. Indicating that the game is ready for a command.
Anywhere in the game, the “showracemenu” command will display the Character Creation menu. Also, it has the instant secondary consequence of returning the character’s status to default. Not just vampireism but all illnesses, poisons, and other character debuffs will removed by it. This command also allows players to instantly modify the race and physical characteristics of their characters. In the end, though, it’s the simplest vampire cure Skyrim offers because all you have to do to leave the character creation menu is write “showracemenu,” unpause the game, and then exit.
You could also decide to become a werewolf.
In Skyrim, the player can get two main transforming illnesses: vampirism and lycanthropy, also known as becoming a werewolf. The Dragonborn’s vampirism cured right away by turning into a werewolf, however werewolves also experience disadvantages similar to vampires. Speak with Aela the Huntress of the Companions to choose this Skyrim vampire cure.
The Werewolf skill tree, sickness immunity, and a transformed form with significantly stronger attacks and movement are all benefits of being a werewolf. Sleeping benefits, however, will never used. Certain doors are too large for werewolves, and when a player shape-shifts, gear automatically disengages. Only by consuming the hearts of werewolves and humanoids may one acquire benefits. The Dragonborn can, however, wander outside during the daytime because they are Werewolves, which is a privilege denied to Vampires.
Cons of Becoming A Vampire
It should be quite obvious at this point that having vampire blood has two significant disadvantages.
The first is that vampires are naturally vulnerable to sunlight and suffer damage all day long. This is the most evident and crippling one. Since that most exploring must be done at night. It shouldn’t take a professional to see why this is bad for the player. Missing out on these sights can have a significant negative impact on one’s enjoyment of this game because Skyrim is a stunning location during the day with occasionally jaw-dropping vistas. It is therefore advised to explore Skyrim as a mortal in order to avoid being constrained by something as simple as daylight. Unless gamers have already completed the game and don’t mind exploring at night.

The second flaw, which at first look would not seem to have much of an effect. That vampires are vulnerable to fire. Unless players are attacked by a particularly potent fire spell or have to contend with enemies like the Flame Atronach. This weakness is largely situational. Unless they have appropriate fire protection or are equipped with long-range spells and weapons that enable them escape as much fire damage as possible. Players in these situations will be burned to a crisp. Although getting caught immediately next to an enemy with a fire weapon can prove to be a serious issue, especially for vampires at a higher level, sneaking around can also be quite helpful.
Effects Of Vampirism In The Dawnguard Expansion
Dawnguard is a fantastic addition that adds to the vampire race’s history by pitting it against the Dawnguard faction. Gamers can pick a side in the fight, with vampires receiving a significant makeover throughout the game. Following the main adjustments made by Creatures of the Night expansion pack.How To Cure Vampirism In Skyrim Without Falion
- changed weaknesses and resistances to more evenly distributed
- introduced the transformation into the Vampire Lord
- Vampires who blood-starved will not acknowledged in public.
- can utilise Auriel’s Bow to counteract the effects of the sun
- Magicka and stamina now drained by Vampiric Drain.
- People who have fallen victim to Vampiric Seduction utilised as food
- Characters don’t have to be asleep in order to be fed.
- The game now includes a Blood Potion for speedy feeding.
- Depending on their state of vampirism, vampires have several types of eyes.