How To Use Scanner In Atomic Heart. In an alternate past shown in Atomic Heart, the Soviet Union quickly develops its technological might to become the world’s leading power. They create amazing robots, novel materials, and creative applications for these things. Agent P-3, a one-man army who battles armies of hostile robots while looking into a catastrophic failure, is the primary character of Atomic Heart.
Use of the scanner is the greatest approach to make sure Agent P-3 is acquiring all the tools and intelligence he needs. It lists everything that P-3 will require and gives him crucial details about adversaries that will give him an advantage in battle.
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How To Use Scanner In Atomic Heart
“Atomic Heart” is an upcoming video game developed and published by Mundfish, and the use of the Scanner may vary depending on the context and gameplay mechanics in the final version of the game. However, based on the available information from the game trailers and developer’s comments,

Here is a general guide on how to use the Scanner in Atomic Heart:
- Equip the Scanner: The Scanner is a tool that the player character can equip in the game. You may need to find or unlock it before you can use it. Look for it in your inventory or check the game tutorial for more information.
- Activate the Scanner: Once you have equipped the Scanner, you can activate it by pressing the corresponding button or key. In some cases, you may need to hold down the button to perform a more in-depth scan.
- Scan objects and environments: With the Scanner activated, you can point it at different objects, surfaces, or areas in the game world to scan them. The Scanner will provide you with various information, such as the object’s name, properties, or hidden features.
- Analyze data: After you have scanned an object or environment, you can view the scan data in your Scanner’s interface. Depending on the game mechanics, you may need to analyze the data to progress the story or solve puzzles.
- Upgrade the Scanner: As you progress through the game, you may be able to upgrade your Scanner with new features or abilities, such as a higher scanning range, new data analysis tools, or combat enhancements.
It’s worth noting that the Scanner’s exact usage and mechanics may change in the final version of Atomic Heart, and some features may only be available in certain parts of the game. Therefore, it’s always a good idea to check the in-game tutorial or official guides for more information.
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How To Use The Scanner
The Scanner managed by the ever-helpful AI glove of Agent P-3. It responds to a particular hand motion that maintained to amplify the impact. To activate the scanner, players who are using a controller must tap RB/R1 twice and hold. The glove raised with the first tap, and the scanner turned on for however long it held with the second tap. Just holding Left Alt on a keyboard and mouse will launch the scanner.
With a monochrome filter, the scanner flattens every object’s colour. Then it uses flares that illuminate objects in particular hues to show spots of interest. Even while it might not seem like there is much to see in Facility 3826 at first sight, there actually is. These are the colours:

- Green: A polymerized corpse, computer, or terminal. Usually, these artefacts can teach players something about the location.
- Blue: Taken. A container or any defeated foes that haven’t looted could the source of this. To ensure that no loot left behind, use this frequently.
- Red: Aggressive. Both targets that generate adversaries and enemies themselves illuminated by the scanner. More information is visible if the target is sufficiently close. For more details, see below.
- White: This might be any intriguing or neutral target, such a lock, a passive robot, a NORA or Relay, a power line, etc.
- Red and Blue Lines: The Scanner displays vividly coloured lines to show everything a terminal connected to.
Scanning  An Opponent
More information will show up if Agent P-3 is sufficiently close to the target he is scanning. The Scanner will display the target’s name, any weapons it may be carrying, and, most crucially, its strengths and weaknesses.
Some adversaries are impervious to melee weapons, while others are to firearms. Most also possess elemental characteristics. Use cartridges that provide the right kind of damage to exploit an elemental weakness.