Where To Go After Wave Beam In Metroid Prime Remastered. After acquiring the Wave Beam in Metroid Prime Remastered, there are several places you can go to progress through the game:
- Phendrana Drifts: The Wave Beam allows you to open certain doors in the Phendrana Drifts area, which is accessible through the Magmoor Caverns. There are several areas in Phendrana Drifts you can explore with the Wave Beam, including the Research Lab Aether and the Ice Ruins West.
- Chozo Ruins: The Wave Beam also allows you to access new areas in the Chozo Ruins, such as the Magma Pool and the Burn Dome. These areas contain new power-ups and items that can aid you in your journey.
- Tallon Overworld: The Tallon Overworld is another area accessible through the Magmoor Caverns. With the Wave Beam, you can enter the Root Cave and the Artifact Temple, where you can collect artifacts that are necessary to progress through the game.
Overall, the Wave Beam is a crucial power-up that opens up several new areas in Metroid Prime Remastered, so be sure to explore all of the areas you can access with it to progress through the game.
After defeating Sheegoth in the Chapel of Elders in the Phendrana Drifts, players in Metroid Prime Remastered can upgrade to the Wave Beam. This Beam is helpful in battle and makes it possible for Samus to pass through Wave Beam doors. This implies that those who have the Wave Beam in Metroid Prime Remastered will be able to access some whole new regions
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Guide for Metroid Prime Remastered’s “After Wave Beam”

To reach the other side of the area, where a Morph Ball tunnel leads to an Energy Tank. Fans should use these elevated platforms. Players should raise the water level once more after obtaining that collectible, then climb to the top of the main structure. Fans should enter the Blast Shield door from this location in order to access a Metroid Prime Remastered Save Station.
Once a save has made, players should head back to the top of the main building. In the Ruined Courtyard and enter Specimen Storage through the Wave Beam door. Fans must defeat the adversaries imprisoned there to open the doors to the Research Entrance. Which is on the other side of this corridor, in order to advance. Players may wish to scan a locked door in this area before starting a fight because there is a Log Book record for it.
Fans can access a Map Station by going to the room’s first floor after unlocking the Research Entrance doors. The door leading to the Hydra Lab Entryway. Which must passed through to enter the Research Lab Hydra. Can then found by climbing the raised walkway.
Additionally to the five pirate logs that may scanned. There are space pirates inside the Research Lab Hydra that must defeated. On the first floor, there are four of them Logs, and on the top floor, there is one. Before using the Wave Beam door in the ceiling to access Observatory Access, fans should make sure they have
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All of the following Pirate Logs:
- Breaches of security
- Phazon Evaluation
- Status of mining
- Insect larva
- Glacial Debris

In order to access the Observatory, players must now pass through Observatory Access. At this location, more pirate data can examined. Action video game players can specifically scan two terminals on the first floor to add the Phazon Program and Contact entires to their Log Books.
After scanning these terminals, players should scan the object in the room’s middle to open a Morph Ball slot. This slot activated by inserting a Morph Ball Bomb; however. Another slot needs to bombed in order to activate the four Spinners that located around the base of the center gadget. Fans should activate the device within each of these Spinners using the Boost Ball from Metroid Prime Remastered before scanning the planets that projected from it.
Players should then use their Space Jump Boots and the platforms on the room’s edge to ascend up from there. Once at the top of the Observatory, fans will find a Save Station. They should use it to save their game before obtaining the Super Missile. Upgrade from Metroid Prime Remastered and moving on to the West Tower Entrance.
Where To Go After Wave Beam In Metroid Prime Remastered

The elevator in the West Tower can now used to access the Central Tower by passing via this passageway. Fans will be able to enter an elevator in the East Tower. After the combat with the Space Pirates concludes at this point. The Research Lab Aether Entryway and the Research Lab Aether are both accessible via this lift.
Players can scan two Pirate Data entries that are located close to this lab’s entrance. Fans should proceed through the shattered glass in the back-right corner. After Samus Aran from Metroid Prime Remastered has defeated the Metroid.
Players should first concentrate on eliminating all the Space Pirates in this area of the Research Lab Aether. Fans can scan three Pirate Data entries after that. Two of which are at the bottom and one of which is at the top of the raised walkway. Additionally, there is a Missile Expansion on a raised platform. And an Energy Tank in a container on the first floor that may reached with a missile in Metroid Prime Remastered. Fans must carefully navigate this platform in Morph Ball shape after arriving there from the lofty walkway.
In order to access the Research Core, players can now drop into Research Core Access. In order to get their next improvement, the Thermal Visor, fans must scan all of the terminals they come across as they make their way to the bottom of this room.
Is the Metroid Prime remake worthwhile?
Metroid Prime Remastered is a remarkable recreation of a timeless video game classic. Not only because of its stunning aesthetics, but also because it plays almost exactly like the original.