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How To Beat Susurrus In Forspoken

How To Beat Susurrus In Forspoken

How To Beat Susurrus In Forspoken. Frey is prepared to vanquish the old demon Susurrus in Forspoken after learning the truth about the history of the Tantas and its origin. The Break was started long ago when the Rheddig, who were at war with the Tantas, unleashed a monster from the Labyrinths’ lowest section in order to eliminate the four monarchs. The Tantas sacrificed their sanity in order to use their powers to imprison Susurrus behind four cuffs.

Years later, Susurrus used emotional manipulation to persuade Frey to kill the Tantas in order for him to regain his abilities. Sadly, everything occurred as planned, and Cipal was assaulted in Forspoken by the old monster. Frey must now vanquish Susurrus in order to set Athia free from his perverse ideas.

How To Beat Susurrus In Forspoken

Like the majority of the bosses in Forspoken, players must overcome Susurrus in each of the game’s three stages.

The Best Way to Beat Susurrus in Spoken
The Best Way to Beat Susurrus in Spoken

First Stage

Of the three, the first is the simplest. In this image, Frey is riding Tanta Cinta, the dragon that she initially encountered in the first chapter of Forspoken.

Hundreds of damage-causing birds will be released by Susurrus and assault Frey and Cinta. Use the dragon’s fire breath by holding R2 to kill the birds in order to defeat them. Susurrus will sporadically appear in his sphere-like shape throughout the battle; make sure to strike him with fire until his health is gone.

Avoid using a lot of Health Draughts because the second stage will require them.

Second Stage

Frey is on her own for the second level, although she has a significant edge thanks to her ability to skip battles and the fact that she has unlocked Tanta’s skills in Forspoken. The second and third levels of Susurrus largely rely on parkour evading or wrapping because the majority of his blows are lethal.

Cuff will initially be at the centre of the arena in his sphere shape, where Frey can inflict some harm. When multiple circles begin to glow in front of him, indicating the quantity of laser beams he will release, this is a powerful attack he may perform. Use the Skip Spell right away to finish up and get out of the way.

In addition, a golden bird may fly incredibly fast approaching Frey, trap the woman, and impair her motions for a few seconds. When you spot the bird, attempt to avoid it by employing parkour because it is a severe disadvantage.

After doing some damage, Susurrus vanishes and orders a swarm of various foes to assault Frey. Continue using Olas’s magic to make things simpler because all foes will be susceptible to the enchantment of the Tanta of Wisdom, giving Frey more Battle Ranking points in Forspoken. After being defeated, some hordes of opponents will drop Health Draughts, so be sure to collect them.

Cuff’s sphere form will divide into three at about midhealth. While the third will be on top of the structure, the other two will be on either side of the arena. Attack the spheres continuously while dodging incoming strikes until they vanish.

Use the Zip Spell in Forspoken on one of the glowing rocks to go to the top one. In addition, Frey can avoid some devastating attacks by being on top of the building.

Susurrus will transform into a more humanoid form with six wings and gold skin when his HP is critically low.

Frey teleports them both to a different dimension for the decisive battle so as not to hurt Cipal more.

Third Stage

The hardest part of the process is definitely the end. The fact that Susurrus will undergo four steps and switch his spell type once Frey significantly reduces his health bar is an important fact that players must be aware of. In order to target Cuff with his weakness in Forspoken, rotating between Spell Trees is crucial.

Throughout the four phases, there are a few attacks that players should escape by employing parkour:

How To Beat Susurrus In Forspoken
How To Beat Susurrus In Forspoken

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  • when Cuff throws up his hand before slamming it to the ground, dealing AoE damage.
  • When he has enough strength, he will unleash many light balls.
  • When his entire body starts to glow, he transforms into a moving sphere to attack opponents.
  • Cuff fires a laser beam when a large white circle appears.
  • Susurrus causes enormous AoE damage when he spins up into the air before slamming his body to the ground.
  • When he lights and curls to release a potentially harmful shockwave.

Phase One

Susurrus will initially attack normally before suddenly waving his hand in the air and beginning to glow red. Use Sila’s Magic in Forspoken to do damage since he is susceptible to it at this time.

Avoid utilising Sila’s Spell Tree’s Crucible since it reduces players’ eyesight and can make it impossible to tell where Cuff is.

Phase Two

Susurrus will change his spell type and glow blue after losing a significant portion of his health. A brief cutscene will then start.

Players can no longer deal damage in Forspoken without Tanta Prav’s Spells. Players will get an opportunity to assault Cuff when he moves to the end of the arena and floats up for a while.

Try trapping Cuff with the Oubliette Spell in Forspoken when he finally falls to the ground to deal continuous harm. He still uses many of the same attacks, so continue to avoid them as usual.

How To Beat Susurrus
How To Beat Susurrus In Forspoken

Phase Three

Susurrus will change to Olas’ kind after dealing some major damage. Make good damage with the Tanta of Wisdom Magic. Cuff will start the phase by unleashing a number of tornadoes that may be evaded but continue to draw Frey into them. Players must keep fighting the ancient evil while utilising parkour.

When Cuff launches six golden birds toward the ground, they divide into hundreds of inescapable birds, making it one of the most dangerous assaults. To avoid this assault, use Forspoken’s Skip Spell.

Phase Four

The demon switches to Frey’s Type when his HP falls below half, rendering him susceptible to Frey’s magic in Forspoken. As usual, assault him while dodging incoming attacks.

Use the Skip Spell as soon as Cuff begins to brag about showing Frey something wonderful before enclosing himself in a sphere to protect yourself from injury. Susurrus will be susceptible for a period after the special strike, providing players the opportunity to end the battle fast.

With the assistance of the former Tantas, Frey is able to collect and hold Cuff’s final essence. After the battle, players will receive a huge amount of EXP and an epilogue.