How To Enter The Chasm Underground Mines In Genshin Impact. In Genshin Impact, there are two ways for players to access The Chasm Underground Mines, and both call for them to glide to the center of The Chasm’s Maw. More experiences in Teyvat can had thanks to the wide aperture. Which take travelers to the Underground Chasm. Players can then easily find the location by switching the Teyvat map after this. It has long been a mining location in the Underground Chasm. However, before the protagonist awakens, most operations stopped because of some unusual things happening nearby.
Since the debut of Genshin Impact, the community has been anticipating The Chasm, and now, with version 2.6, users can finally explore the enigmatic location. There are a few requirements that must met before entering the underground region, though. It advised for first-time players to complete Chapter 1: Act 3 and advance to Adventure Rank 28 before entering Chasm. Additionally, before being allowed to visit the Chasm Underground Mines in Genshin Impact. Players must finish the Surreptitious Seven-Star Seal Sundering Quest. Follow the quest line for The Chasm Delvers if you want to thoroughly explore the new location.
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How To Enter The Chasm Underground Mines In Genshin Impact

Elara Leclair updated on January 29, 2023: Although the Chasm content has been available for some time, there haven’t been any updates and most likely won’t be any in the future, barring any unexpected circumstances. Despite this, Chasm continues to be crucial to the development of the plot, especially now that Genshin Impact includes the Sumeru region. There several different ways to enter Sumeru, some of which rather complicated.
Learn More: How To Get All Cloak Forspoken
It highly advised for players to follow the main plot and go into the Chasm Underground Mines in order to advance the Archon Quest in Sumeru because that is the simplest route. For players who aren’t as far along in the plot. Opening the Chasm Underground Mines also advised because it enables them to visit Sumeru more conveniently and gather ascension and talent materials there.
In Genshin Impact, players can enter The Chasm’s underground mines in one of two ways:
- Turn on the elevator in The Chasm’s Underground Mines.
- Step within The Chasm’s Maw.
How To Enter Genshin Impact’s Chasm Underground Mines

The elevator is located above The Chasm’s Maw, which is the first option. There will be a button to turn on the mechanism when you get there. By pressing this button, a loading screen will appear, after which players will taken to the Chasm Underground Mines.
Travelers only need to fall through the sizable hole in the middle of the Chasm to use the second way. Players don’t need to be concerned about perishing from fall damage, unlike the entrance to Enkanomiya in Genshin Impact. This because the character will transported after the loading screen is finished. Enabling them to enter the Chasm Underground Mines.
A brief cutscene showing the Traveler traversing the bridges will begin when players first enter the deep mines. They will then run into Jinwu and Zhiqiong. Jinwu will disclose that some time ago, a group of miners became lost in the Underground Chasm. Players will need to hunt for hints concerning Uncle He’s whereabouts to assist with this situation. Uncle He, however, nowhere to found. Travelers must start the Genshin Impact Missing Miner Quest in order to search for him.

If neither of these entrance options works, the player probably hasn’t completed the necessary quest. Travelers must first destroy the Bedrock Keys in the Chasm region of Genshin Impact in order to reach The Chasm’s Underground Mines.
It also strongly advised you unlock the Lost Valley Domain in Fuao Vale while you’re at it. The best gear given to Kamisato Ayato and Xiao by this Artifacts Domain. Furthermore, practically any Genshin Impact character can equipped with the 2-piece set.
How do I get inside the Chasm's underground mines?
The elevator is located above The Chasm’s Maw, which is the first option. There will be a button to turn on the mechanism when you get there. After pressing this button, a loading screen will appear before players are taken to the Underground Chasm. Travelers only need to drop down the sizable hole to use the second way.