How To Get & Craft Himmin Afl Polearm In Valheim. Depending on where players are in the advancement arc, dealing with the adversaries of Valheim can be anything from a straightforward task to a demoralising ordeal. Progression has extended with the most recent game update, Mistlands, to include more formidable foes but also stronger weapons. The Himmin Afl, an electric polearm, stands out in this new material as particularly intriguing.
Despite not using Valheim’s new magic system, this weapon does have an intriguing attack and a magical appearance. This guide meant to assist players who want to make the Himmin Afl.
How To Get & Craft Himmin Afl Polearm In Valheim
Only at the brand-new Black Forge in Valheim is this new weapon’s recipe, which calls for 10 Yggdrasil Wood, 15 Refined Eitr, 2 Mandibles, and 5 Silver bars. This polearm may wielded with both hands and summons lightning strikes when it employed in combat. Due to this special characteristic, it also does lightning damage (up to 85) and pierce damage (up to 40). It has a great knockback stat of 40 for its regular attack, requires roughly 20 stamina each blow, and has 64 block armour, 40 block force, and 64 block force.

The Himmin Afl can currently improved at a level 2 Black Forge. Players can increase this polearm’s durability (from 175 to 225), lightning damage (from 40 to 46), and block force (from 15 Refined Eitr, 2 Mandibles, and 5 Silver bars) (from 40 to 45). This makes the Himmin Afl one of Valheim’s most potent weapons, with or without the upgrade.
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Where To Find The Himmin Alf Ingredients?

Ingredients for the Himmin Afl can only discovered in the Mistlands or Mountain biomes. This means that individuals who want to construct this polearm must have advanced through Yagluth, the fifth boss of Valheim.
Using a Black Metal Axe, one can harvest the first component, Yggdrasil Wood, from Yggdrasil Shoots. Only the new Mistlands biome in the game supports these trees. Mandibles only found there as well and dropped by slain Seeker Soldiers.
Ingredient Gathering In Valheim
Gathering Refined Eitr and Silver bars can be a little challenging. The Mistlands update introduced a new machine called the Eitr Refinery, which refines Eitr. At this location, players must mix Sap and Soft Tissue to produce the required Refined Eitr.
When in the Mountain biome, players must equip the Wishbone, the prize for beating Bonemass, in order to obtain Silver. This will flash when players close to a vein of silver ore, which what used in a smelter to turn ore into silver bars.