World Of Tanks Beginners Guide 2023. When you first launch the game, you’re prompted to complete Bootcamp. It’s a training course designed to help you learn game basics in a real battle. After completing it, you get a nice reward of credits. In-game gold, and more bonuses to bolster your progress as you advance in World of Tanks.
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World Of Tanks Beginners Guide 2023
Since many of the game concepts aren’t clearly taught. Most players find that starting out in World of Tanks may be rather challenging. Most people recall their first few battles, where they raced in, perished on Himmelsdorf within the first two minutes. And then sat there until the conflict was over, thinking, “Well, this is dull.” The majority of novice players who start playing World of Tanks are unaware that, among many other things. You can exit the game after dying and jump into another tank without incurring any penalties. While other tutorials delve deeper into playing the game, this one will highlight some of the most important components of World of Tanks for gamers just getting started.
Prior To Starting
If you haven’t registered for World of Tanks, fantastic! You should consider an invite code if you haven’t played yet or if you haven’t participated in many matches. Each server in World of Tanks typically has numerous invite codes available for new users. And utilising one while registering gives you access to a variety of perks. The greatest coupons typically include a tier 5 premium tank, a week’s worth of premium account time, and some money. If you want a free premium tank and you have, say, a dozen or so battles, it is worthwhile to create a new account. The tank and gold/premium time add up to a total cost of $15–$25. You can ask on the official forums, search for “World of Tanks new player invite code server name“. And occasionally there is a Reddit-specific one to obtain invite codes (for North America at least).
Getting Going (Tiers 1-2)

For new players, the first dozen (or more) World of Tanks matches can occasionally be excruciatingly irritating, perplexing, and agonising. Most people have never played a game like this, but in my mind it’s just a shooter with an extra layer. Being a tank with a gun and armour that can deflect bullets and protect you when utilised properly replaces the role of a soldier carrying a gun and taking damage if they strike you. Since tanks depend on their armour as well as their weaponry and agility, this gives the game more depth. It’s important to understand your tank’s strengths and weaknesses so that you may modify how you play. This can be done as simply as looking at the listed numbers in your garage or going online and doing some research.
However, understanding that you can leave the battle after you die, board another tank. And begin participating in a separate battle is crucial knowledge for the first few bouts.
Tier 1-2 confrontations typically lack artillery (contemplate snipers), so being proactive while also being aware of cover (rocks, buildings, etc.) will pay off. Low-tier encounters do not lend themselves to simply charging in, but neither does playing defensively and conservatively. It helps to move about 1/3 of the way out of your original spawn area and set up/pre-aim while hiding. In cover so that you can fire at moving enemies before they can fire back. Going out on your own typically does not work out, so stay in the general vicinity of other players and cooperate.
Moving upwards! (Tiers 2-4)
As you move up the tiers and into the tier 4+ tank range, research becomes increasingly crucial because by tier 3. You will have a general idea of the types of tanks you prefer and do not like. Making a well-informed choice about the tank line you want to focus on can save you a lot of grief. Because after you reach tier 4+ it gets harder to study modules, buy tanks, etc. Why do you do this? The simplest method is to open the research tree and glance at the tech tree in the future to see future tanks and their general stats.
You should also keep older, fully-equipped tanks as you advance through the tiers. As opposed to new non-improved tanks that are challenging to play. This will enable you to always have tanks that are completely upgraded and capable of earning silver at a respectable rate. Although it could be alluring, you will regret selling your present tank in order to pay for the new one. This remains true even if you reach tier 8 or higher, as maintaining a number of low-tier tanks in your garage to “take a vacation” from grinding new tanks is a feature that most players completely ignore.
Keeping with this theme, having a fully researched tank may not even be as crucial as having experienced crews. It can be difficult to play some tanks and expect them to be useful because 50% crews are cruel and severely hinder your tanks. The game will be far less frustrating if you wait until you have enough silver saved up to retrain your crews. For your new tank using the 20,000 silver/crew member retraining. Once you reach tier 4, you will frequently encounter tier 5–6 tanks with 100% crews and greater equipment. Thus 100% crews practically become a necessity.
Time to decide (Tier 5)
In World of Tanks, Tier 5 is a turning point where your choices. About what to play or how to play can make or break how much you enjoy the game. At this stage, progressing to higher levels without a premium account or premium tank becomes far more challenging. Because of the substantial experience and silver boost needed to acquire the tanks and modules. It is possible to maintain levelling up without spending money on the game, but once you reach tier 8. Especially, it becomes a very difficult grind.
It is a great choice to keep your goals in focus from tier 6. And down if you determine that you are OK with continuing to play for free. You will be able to do this to fully study and crew-train a number of tier 4-6 tanks while also earning free experience and silver. Standard non-premium tanks perform best at Tiers 4-6, and if you wish to upgrade to higher tiers. Or spend money in the future for any reason, you’ll have a sizable amount of experience and silver stored up. It also helps that many people find the best-balanced and most exciting bouts to be in the tier 4-6 area.
Once you reach Tier 5, the alternative path of investing some cash and buying gold becomes an option if you decide World of Tanks is the right game for you. You have a basic idea of how the game is played and how to win battles by this point. You also know which tanks you want to focus on in the higher levels (assuming you performed a little homework).
Any extra gold should be put into a premium account, which will improve your experience and silver gains by 50%. Since it’s not advisable to advance too quickly, converting gold to silver or utilising it to convert leftover experience into free experience is not the best option for a new player. By gradually acclimating to high tier matches and patiently understanding how to counter new tanks, taking your time moving up the tiers will improve your gameplay.
Which tank line and which nation should I move down?

Making the choice to focus on a certain tank line to advance to tier 10 is one of the most difficult ones to make. To reach Tier 10, a lot of time is needed, thus choosing wisely will prevent a lot of frustration. On this page titled “Which Tank Line is Right for You?,” you can get a general description of each tank line. I typically advise rookie players to finish the American heavy tank series.
General Advice/Game Rules
Since even the tiniest part of your tank will poke out, you will be discovered as if there is no bush at all, hiding under shrubs is virtually as pointless as sitting outside in the open. such as below
You can see approaching tanks while hiding behind a bush as long as it doesn’t block your view. The disadvantage is that if you fire your gun, the bush’s cover boost is no longer useful because you are so close to it. View below.
However, sitting behind a bush that is fully opaque will hide you even while firing if your colleagues can see tanks ahead of you. Additionally, you can hide behind a bush while it’s transparent, look out for an adversary, and then reverse till it’s opaque so you can fire without being spotted. as shown below…
Scouting may appear straightforward at first, but this is not the case. Many people mistakenly believe that rushing out to light up the opposition team as rapidly as possible before dying constitutes “being a competent scout.” In World of Tanks, there are three main types of scouting—suicide scouting, passive scouting, and active scouting—two of which are considered “right”. The first option is inaccurate because it does not significantly aid your team or increase your experience or silver gain to rush out in the first minute, light up tanks 500m or more away, and then perish.
Learning how to passively and actively spy results from this. When done properly, passive scouting is incredibly lethal but can be challenging at first and does require a good crew and equipment to be used to its best extent. Ascout, light tank, or even a TD with a good camouflage bonus parks themselves behind a shrub between their team and the enemy, they are engaging in passive reconnaissance. When tanks are detected,
The last type of scouting is active scouting, which is what I myself find most enjoyable. To light up the opposing team in front of your comrades, you must constantly move the scout about the area where necessary and avoid being seen. If you leave yourself exposed for too long, there is a risk, but once you get the hang of it, you can dart out of cover for 2–5 seconds, light up the enemy, and fly off before getting hit. When properly executed, this strategy is very powerful because it allows you to move into position where you are needed, assist opposing tanks and fire a few shots at them, and then approach on them for the final blow once they are weaker. This replay of the M24 Chaffee that I shared is a nice example of this.
Retraining Crews
Since they begin with 50% crews and don’t have any previous 100% crews to draw from, brand-new players may find it challenging to move teams up to new tanks. As you climb the tiers, there are a few ways to keep your crews close at 100%. There is a “basic experience” for crews that spans from 50% to 100%, and there are also crew talents that develop once a crew member reaches 100%. In order to use the credit option to get your crew to 75%+ when you relocate them, I would advise conserving credits before going up to tier 3. Even if you have gold to spend, hold onto it until you can spend it on something else.
Make your armour angle!

This one of the first things covered in the tutorial and possibly the most crucial thing you could ever learn about World of Tanks. To take non-damaging attacks and endure the battlefield for a lot longer, you must maximise the effectiveness of your armour. I observe way too many novice players standing in the open, facing the adversary directly. After taking a few hits, they pass out since they didn’t angle, rendering their armour useless.
Angle your armour at around a 45-degree angle to maximise your tank’s defence, but also pay attention to your base stats. It would be much preferable to remain hidden and offer support fire if your armour was already somewhat thin.
Understand where to aim
At first glance, this might appear quite clear, but understanding where to shoot an opponent can be the difference between life and death. The flanks, the back, the commander’s cupola, or a machine gun port on the front hull are all weak points for tanks. Finding these battlefield flaws is essential, and novice players MUST learn to take advantage of them at lower ranks since it becomes even more necessary at later tiers.
As you can see, the upper glacis’ forward machine gun port is by far the weakest spot, despite having just fair frontal armour to begin with. Every tank typically has a weak spot in the lower glacis, therefore you must aim there if at all feasible! Shooting at these weak points increases your chances of penetrating and damaging the target, so be sure to aim for them and learn as many as you can for each tank you come across.
collaborate with others and consider what the opposition is preparing for
This essentially implies to “avoid becoming a loner” and to “prepare ahead.” Although some tanks (such light tanks) can used in solo roles. You generally want to make sure that you have the help of your friends. If no one is shooting at the targets you detect in your light tank, what’s the point? Similar to this, if you are left alone and exposed without help from your team. Enemy heavy hitters and flanking medium hitters would find your heavy tank easy prey. Too many fresh players rush into the action in the centre of the field of combat. Where they are promptly destroyed by the other squad. Don’t be that person; if you die, your squad will have no use for you.
Second, predicting your opponent’s movements and responding to them. In advance will put you in incredibly advantageous positions that can turn the tide of a match. If you notice that the enemy is going to make a breakthrough on the other flank. Call on your comrades to move quickly there. This can offer allies tanks the essential time they need to conquer the base or come over and aid you, even if you merely delay their approach for a few minutes.
Recognize the advantages and disadvantages of your tank.
Although this of the utmost importance, far too many players choose to overlook what their tank and n’t designed to do.
A light tank is not for the front lines; it is for scouting and support.
- Heavy tanks used for close quarters combat. They are poor spies and lack the mobility of mediums and lights to switch flanks at will.
- The majority of medium tanks serve as support vehicles. And made to take advantage of heavy tanks’ limited manoeuvrability by attacking their targets’ vulnerable sides and rear armour.
- Tank destroyers should make an effort to blend in while wreaking. Havoc on the enemy from a rear-line support position with their massive guns.
- The artillery should also always be towards the back of the map. Firing a shot before moving quickly to a new position to prevent counterbattery fire.
- I must emphasise that this is a very very basic explanation. Of each tank type’s function and that not all tanks fit under a category’s broad definition. There are fast-moving “medium-esque” heavy tanks as well as ponderous, heavily armoured mediums. Similar to tank destroyers, which should be on the front lines due to their poor concealment values. The Tier 5 British tank destroyer AT-2 is one illustration of this. Although it moves slowly and should employed like a heavy tank in an assault role, it offers incredible frontal armour.
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You must modify your play if your tank behaves differently from other “regular” vehicles of its kind.
Pick your loadouts carefully

This may be less important at lesser levels, but it’s necessary if you want to advance to the major leagues. Every tank you own should typically outfitted with a first aid kit, a repair kit, and a fire extinguisher. By doing this, you can avert significant fire damage to your vehicle while bringing back injured crew and damaged modules. This is sufficient for lower tiers, however as you reach Tier 6 and higher, you might wish to use the more expensive varieties of these consumables or take meals (which improves your crew’s skills).
The next factor is equipment, which has a big impact on how effective your tank is. Utilize gear that enhances the play style of your car. For instance, a light tank could be outfitted with binoculars or coated optics, a camouflage net, and ventilation (to boost crew skills). Ventilation, a gun rammer (to expedite reloads). And improved gun laying drive could added to a heavy tank (to improve aim time).
Finally, it is generally advisable to have a variety of ammo types when it comes to ammunition. Take 30 regular AP rounds, 15 APCR or HEAT rounds (they have stronger penetration). 5 high explosive shells, etc., if your tank can hold 50 rounds. I advise leaving out HE shells and bringing extra regular or high penetration rounds if your gun is of a low calibre.
In-game equipment for World of Tanks
With the help of these suggestions, you’ll be well on your way to mastering World of Tanks. Please let me know in the comments section below if this advice was helpful to you. Happy hunting and good luck on the front lines!
How to use Arty the SPG in World of Tanks
Due to it straightforward gameplay, the SPG class in World of Tanks both adored and despised by many players. SPG is a problem for heavy tanks because they can’t effectively counter it. You may learn more about some of the aspects and tactics of playing SPG in World of Tanks with the aid of this guide. It is more likely to helpful for new players; experienced players less likely to contribute something useful for themselves.
We’ll examine the most typical misunderstandings that WOT players run into when using the SPG:
- SPG is a simple and straightforward lesson.
- SPG doesn’t take any action.
- Games cannot transported on SPG because nothing depends on them.
- SPG is worthless on some maps, unfortunately.
- The gameplay in SPGs is quite dull.
Artistic gaming is simple and straightforward to do?
Absolutely not; no. Of course, playing the game is straightforward—you simply aim your mouse at the target and fire. You occasionally have to take the initiative, but it’s not too challenging.
To play the SPG, you must be aware of all conceivable enemy tank actions on a given map. As well as their potential positions, player behaviour, and many other things. In this game, a novice player will hardly strike the target. An expert SPGer must first comprehend the psychology of players’ actions in a random game on various tanks and maps. It’s not at all simple.
SPG takes no action?

How frequently did you run into IS-4 or Mouse in Himmelsdorf, who is the only person on “banana” street? There tanks that feel and play more naturally than others on every map and in every circumstance. And the SPG class created as a countermeasure to stop them from overpowering the battlefield. Consider several scenarios where an enemy tank with an armoured turret holds position against your squad and briefly raises his turret to fire. Despite the fact that essentially no one can penetrate or even hit his turret. Without SPG, it is nearly impossible to destroy such tanks. Furthermore, the opposing tanks won’t be able to stand stationary and return shells fired by your comrades due to the presence of at least one SPG in the team.
Can you transport games on SPG?
Yes, you can do that, but not in every game. As you are aware, the randomizer in the game determines how the projectile will behave. And its flight path and landing location are absolutely unpredictable. Only targeting and reducing the likelihood of “missed shots” are dependent on the player.
Once more, a lot relies on your team composition and the map you are using. Because of their speed, SPG are not as feared by many tanks in battle, hence the composition of the tanks is crucial. The map itself is as significant.
Exist there maps where SPG is useless?
It is entirely conceivable to respond “no” to that. There are some maps, including Paris, Pilsen, Kharkov, and Himmelsdorf, where having SPG on your squad won’t be very advantageous. The opposing tanks on these maps feel relatively secure because they are in a region full of buildings, walls, and corners, which makes playing SPG on these maps very difficult. But the effectiveness of your operations will multiply if you locate advantageous enemy positions from which to launch a shell.
Take Himmelsdorf as an example once more. The trajectory of the shell’s flight is crucial; the higher the trajectory, the simpler it will be to throw shells over the walls of structures.
Is playing on SPG monotonous? Is the gaming boring?
Everyone has distinct gaming preferences, but you can’t tell that the SPG game-play is drab and monotonous. To participate in combat, a tank must move, just like any other tank. And travelling in a particular direction depends on team support. SPG can view the entire map. And the gameplay will be utterly monotonous if you’re driving a big tank along a barren flank.
Can I receive favourable ratings on SPG?
You can’t, sorry. Even the highest-scoring SPGers have extremely low statistics, making this a fairly unpredictable class.
What information do I require to begin playing the SPG?
First off, newcomers should avoid starting any SPG line’s levelling process. To start, you must first identify the “traditional” spots on various maps where SPG typically camps. The second, but no less crucial, information you need to be aware of is the “timings” of the initial exchanges of fire. Including where and how many enemy tanks may be moving. Everything you need to know required in order to rapidly assume a decent position, begin aiming, and prepared for your first shot.
Which benefits are ideal for SPG staff?
As with any other tank, make sure to give your commander the “Sixth Sense” perk. And it is preferable to give the crew the “Concealment” perk rather than the “Repair” perk. Most of the time, “Repair” will be pointless. Take “Brothers in Arms” as your next perk for the commander and the entire crew to improve the SPG’s overall performance ratings.
Which World of Tanks equipment is better for SPG?
Take “Improved Ventilation” if you play on SPG with a closed turret because it will be helpful. Additionally, “Gun Rammer” and “Enhanced Gun Laying Drive” will work just fine because the rate of fire and aiming are this SPG’s most vital and important aspects. You can instal a camouflage net on SPGs with an open turret to prevent detection.

Which SPG nation line is the ideal one to start with?
Soviet or US SPG lines are the two options. When you have thoroughly investigated the USSR SPG line, you will have a top-tier SPG that is extremely accurate. Strong, and quick to fire in the face of Object 261. The USSR branch as a whole is uncomfortable and complicated, though. The American T92 has sluggish reloading times, poor accuracy, and deadly shells that cause enormous damage. The levelling US line, though, is a lot cosier. SPGs like the M40/M43 and the M53/M55 regarded as the top models for their tier level.
Even if you’ve never played the Arty, it’s worth it to give it a shot. In your favourite game, a new world will revealed. SPG as a class may soon changed once more. Giving you the chance to experience it in it current, nerfed yet playable state.