How To Beat Nipulon In High On Life 2023. High On Life already gives off the impression that things are about to become strange from the moment it starts. Here, we’re speaking to the Nipulon boss encounter, which comes just before the final confrontation with Garmantuous. We have received our talking weapons to aid us in eradicating the G3 Cartel, which is practically a thing of the past. However, compared to the earlier bounties, Nipulon’s boss battle is a little trickier. Here are some things to remember as you progress through this part of the game.
Always aim for the genuine Nipulon throughout the boss battle, whether you’re sober or under the influence of drugs. He will produce a medication via smoke after his initial stage in the office to considerably confuse and distort your experience. At that point, the entire environment changes into a psychedelic setting where you must participate in a fight while high. Nipulon will reproduce and take on several color-changing variations as you combat him. It is sufficient to locate the genuine Nipulon—whose peach-orange appearance won’t change—and kill him. Nothing will be damaged if you fire at his delusions.
How To Beat Nipulon In High On Life 2023

You’ll have talks with Gene and Lizzie while in dreamlike settings throughout the elusive boss fight. These play a role in the journey as the player faces certain inner demons and difficulties. Continue their conversation as you further explore the dreamscape until you come to the black hole you will eventually fall into. The fight with Nipulon and his imitation mirrors will then switch to an ongoing one as you descend with him.
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Your weapons will vanish as you enter another dreamscape toward the end of the battle. Before you can move on to the last few steps, you must gather them. Gus is in front of the smaller construction drill, Sweezy is behind the cargo truck, and Creature is seated on the operation table while Kenny is seated at the Space Applebee’s table. Head toward the last dreamscape hole, which is generating a beam of light, after assembling your Gatlians. The moment your firearms truly bond will come before they band together to defeat Nipulon.
How to Win High On Life’s Nipulon

You’ll have talks with Gene and Lizzie while in dreamlike settings throughout the elusive boss fight. These play a role in the journey as the player faces certain inner demons and difficulties. Continue their conversation as you further explore the dreamscape until you come to the black hole you will eventually fall into. The fight with Nipulon and his imitation mirrors will then switch to an ongoing one as you descend with him.
Your weapons will vanish as you enter another dreamscape toward the end of the battle. Before you can move on to the last few steps, you must gather them. Gus is in front of the smaller construction drill, Sweezy is behind the cargo truck, and Creature is seated on the operation table while Kenny is seated at the Space Applebee’s table. Head toward the last dreamscape hole, which is generating a beam of light, after assembling your Gatlians. The moment your firearms truly bond will come before they band together to defeat Nipulon.