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All Hidden Remastered Map Easter Eggs In COD MW2

All Hidden Remastered Map Easter Eggs In COD MW2

All Hidden Remastered Map Easter Eggs In COD MW2. A nice Easter Egg is a favourite in the Call of Duty series. There many more subtly placed references to popular culture in Modern Warfare 2. Even if they often left up to Treyarch to use in the zombies game mode.

For instance, the multiplayer map for Santa Sena Border Crossing features a Breaking Bad-themed van with the identical five bullet holes that appear after Jesse and Heisenberg are fired at.

All Hidden Remastered Map Easter Eggs In COD MW2

Although the developers were eager to remake some of the iconic maps. There actually three restored maps that function as Easter Eggs within the game. Modern Warfare 2 also contains some amazing old Call of Duty allusions.

3 – RUST (MW2 2009)

3 - RUST (MW2 2009)
3 – RUST (MW2 2009)

the arena where men and women created in 1v1. Rust isn’t truly a fully-functional terrain in the new MW2 game despite having lost more skins than a snake. It’s still there, though.

Around the B dominance flag on the Taraq Ground War map is where Rust’s artwork may be located. The building and ladders are still present even though the distinguishing ramp is absent. Bring out the throwing knives.

Strangely enough, this isn’t the first time that Rust has appeared in a hidden Easter egg; in Advanced Warfare, it was a gimmick on the edge of the Compound level.

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This is an example of an Easter egg. This won’t look familiar to you unless you’ve played every Call of Duty game, but if you’re from the class of ’03, you’ll love it.

Despite being one of the most despised levels in Modern Warfare 2. Taraq has gained some favour once it discovered to an exact remake of the Neuville map from Call of Duty 1. (2003).

Although the layout unchanged from the original. which was more of a rural design in fields than a desert based on Iraq. Playing this map after learning its true origins greatly alters your perception of it.

1. House of Pavlov (CALL OF DUTY 2003)

1. House of Pavlov (CALL OF DUTY 2003)

Farm 18 was the first map from Modern Warfare 2 that we saw, and the designers were fond of its Shoot House-like layout.

Farm 18 is not entirely new to the Call of Duty series, though. In truth, the dormitory on the Eastern side of the map is a three-story structure that is an exact reproduction of Pavlov’s house from the narrative of the first Call of Duty game.

Old-school gamers will recall securing this home and fending off waves of adversaries while holding an MG42 and MP44.

Other small Easter eggs found on the Warzone map. although it’s anticipated that places like Quarry and Highrise will soon also available as Modern Warfare 2 maps.