How To Beat Rebel In Blacktail. In the Black Forest, Yaga will battle numerous evil creatures that Blacktail has to offer. Rebel, a mushroom creature similar to the Knight you previously encountered, will be the first major monster you will face off against as you advance through the game’s primary plot.
How To Get Rebel
The first major boss you will encounter in the Path of Light called Rebel. You must visit Rebel to obtain the Powder for explosives in order to defeat the Dragon after speaking with Knight in the Canyons. You can travel to the boss position on the northeast side of the canyons by exiting the canyons and continuing on the road in front of you. You’ll cross a bridge that has an antique statue used in rituals on its side. You will confront Rebel after crossing the bridge in a cave on the left side of the area.
How To Beat Rebel In Blacktail

When Rebel, a mushroom creature, sees you defending his explosives, he will know that Knight sent you to get his explosives. After the talk, the boss battle will begin, and Rebel has the ability to saunter beneath the surface. To catch you off guard, he will move from one location beneath the ground to another. However, by observing the sloshing dirt on the ground, you will be able to determine his future location. After a few seconds, he will rise to the ground, so prepared to fire a charged shot at him when he does.
Learn More: How To Beat Peewee The Dragon In Blacktail
He will also attempt to attack you by jumping on you. Try to avoid hit by attack by using the Dashing ability because you will lose a complete heart if you are. In the arena, he will also spawn a shadowy creature and some tiny, toxic mushrooms. Try to concentrate on Rebel and the tiny mushrooms since the Dark Creature won’t go down lightly. The Dark Creature will instantly killed if Rebel destroyed. The tiny mushrooms will spit forth a poison that could be dangerous to you because you could become ill. To kill them, fire a shot from a distance.
Fighting The Rebel

Rebel will also attempt to hit you with axe that attached to the mushroom on his head. You should keep your distance from him since he will swing in an attempt to catch you in the attack. Avoiding this assault will temporarily stun Rebel, allowing you to hit him with a few charged shots. Continue using the arrows to shoot at Rebel, and as soon as you run out, make more right away. Every time Rebel emerges from the earth. Try to track positioning to get a charged shot in to deliver massive damage.
Rebel has a limited amount of health, therefore with the charged shots, you can take him down in a few minutes.