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Nier Replicant How To Play As Papa Nier

Nier Replicant How To Play As Papa Nier

Nier Replicant How To Play As Papa Nier. In NieR Replicant, Papa Nier is the protagonist. You may play as Papa NieR in the 15 Nightmares DLC even in the earlier edition of the game, which is to say, NieR Replicant’s standard release. Now that you can simply play as the father, things are becoming very intriguing. For those who don’t know, Papa Nier is the heroic warrior who is committed to helping his daughter find a cure. You can play as him right now, and he has incredible power!

Nier Replicant How To Play As Papa Nier

Nier Replicant How To Play As Papa Nier
Nier Replicant How To Play As Papa Nier

You only need to play the 15 Nightmares DLC to play as Papa Nier. Playing as the father is so much simpler now because everyone has access to the DLC, which is free.

Although the stage isn’t very large and you won’t get to play as Papa Nier for the whole of the game, this offers players an alternative view of his life and influence. Only in this way can one truly understand the sorrow and pain he is experiencing, as well as his eventual resolve to find a treatment for his child.

Also, the remastered version of NieR Replicant has all the DLC unlocked and is free for everyone to play!

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playing the Father in the video game Nier Replicant

playing the Father in the video game Nier Replicant
playing the Father in the video game Nier Replicant

Let’s go right to the point: in Nier Replicant, you can play as the father character. just not in the manner you may anticipate.

The entire main story will require you to control the brother; this won’t change. However, once you’ve completed the game once and earned Ending A, you’ll also be able to access the mother’s diary in the protagonist’s home. You can return to the house and check out the shelf on the first floor after loading your clear save.

This will give you access to a few bonus stages where you get to control the father alongside Grimoire Weiss. You are need to complete these levels by visiting each stage you have already played and eliminating every Shade you come across there. They add a little more depth to the plot while also rewarding you with extra gear and weaponry.

The journal levels in Nier Replicant aren’t necessary to view the final ending, but they’re nevertheless enjoyable to complete for anyone seeking a little Gestalt-era nostalgia.