How To Defeat Persys Primordial Ruin In Destiny 2. With the beginning of the Season of the Seraph, the latest endgame PVE activity in Bungie’s game is The Spire of the Watcher, a dungeon in Destiny 2 with a Vex-themed Mars setting. Tower-climbing action in the dungeon culminates in a reactor chamber where a formidable Wyvern boss named Persys is present and must killed using unique techniques.
The final encounter will largely remain the same, with no significant changes to the core Arc node mechanics and the Arctrician bonus that players have become accustomed to at this point. But before taking on Persys in Destiny 2, there are a few things to think about.
Endgame loadouts advised because the last confrontation against a sizable Wyvern boss and is also higher light. The rally room, where players enter the arena, and the reactor room. Which hidden behind the three doors, are the two distinct areas of the arena. The battle’s objective is to damage the boss and reduce his shield. This requires purging the reactor.
How To Defeat Persys Primordial Ruin In Destiny 2

Red and yellow wires of two different colours may seen in the first chamber. In the middle of the space, on the pillars and above the main entryway. Four nodes connected with red wires. Both the doors leading into the reactor room and the nodes linked by the yellow wire can opened using these nodes.
In the first room, there are yellow wires on the left and right sides of the room that attached to the pillars, the far right wall, and the far left wall. When the nodes open, the ones attached to the pillars will have a little blinking arrow directing players to those nodes.
Then, two of these yellow cables from each side of the reactor room enter the reactor room and connect to the respective nodes. Simply follow the right node and fully power it up until it reaches its last node in the reactor room is the objective. Players should ready to take angle because certain nodes cleverly concealed in awkward locations.
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Two Vex Hydras will spawn on either side of the first room when the fight begins.
Killing the Hydras will cause the Minotaurs to spawn, dropping the Arctrician buff pool.
To unlock the reactor room and the yellow wire nodes after players acquire this bonus. They must destroy all five red wire nodes in the first room (one on each pillar and one above the centre entrance).
How to defeat Primordial Ruin, Persys

Two nodes in the first chamber with yellow wires linked to them will have opened once the doors are open. This is just arbitrary. Have the fireteam divide into two groups to check the pillars because there could be one node on each side or two on one side.
Follow the yellow cable after identifying the open nodes. Activating each one to make the wire blue until you reach the last node. Which is inside the reactor room. Once both finished, an alarm will go off.
The boss will return to the reactor room when the alarm sounds and sit still. All players should return to the first chamber with the rally banner. And get ready for damage as the reactor room’s doors will close.
To close the reactor doors before the reactor purges. One person with the Arctrician boost needs to take out all five of the room’s red nodes. The boss will return to the first room after the purge, although he or she will be temporarily vulnerable to attack.
There are a lot of adverts in this encounter, so it may be a good idea to focus at least one player to eliminating Supplicants. As these swiftly moving Harpies explode when they get sufficiently close to players and cause a lot of damage. Outside of the DPS phase, the boss may found prowling the arena and, like any Wyvern. Deals a tonne of damage to unwary players up close.
Given that Persys’ critical spot is so small, using linear fusion guns for the best damage may be challenging. Additionally, he repeatedly deals void damage to the players, which significantly increases flinch. Because of this, it could be preferable to think about a rocket launcher damage loadout, with one player using a Gjallarhorn and the other two using. Depending on their subclass preferences, the Palmyra-B or The Hothead. Damage Supers are also essential.