How To Get Royal Jellies In Valheim. On the Public Test Branch of the game, the Mistlands update for Valheim has added new resources, weapons, and monsters to the game’s globe. The creators have also included new meals, a new magic system, and new crafting stations to construct as part of this significant upgrade. When players locate the necessary components, the crafting recipes for them, like those for other goods in Valheim, will become available.
How To Get Royal Jellies In Valheim
Royal Jelly, a component that is crucial to Valheim’s new magic system, is one of these substances. It’s probably because of this crucial function that Royal Jelly can be hard to find. This guide is here to assist players hunting for Royal Jelly.
Where in Valheim Can I Find Royal Jelly?

One of the many treasures that players might discover in the game’s new dungeon, the Infested Mines, is royal jelly. These regions live up to their reputation and are frequently populated with some of the Mistlands’ most difficult foes. Both several varieties of Seekers and enormous swarms of Ticks fall under this category. These creatures or other miners must generate royal jelly, which accumulates next to walls and posts. Players can obtain examples of the resource by interacting with a pile of Royal Jelly, which will drop a few of them.
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Fortunately, Infested Mines don’t require anything to reach and are comparable to other dungeons in Valheim. They spawn all across these new biomes, thus finding them will probably only require a Wisplight.
What Can You Do With Royal Jelly in Valheim?

The Cauldron, the cooking station in Valheim, is where Royal Jelly is primarily used. Seeker Aspic (2 Seeker Meat, 2 Magecaps, 2 Royal Jelly), Yggdrasil Porridge (4 Sap, 3 Barley, and 2 Royal Jelly), and Mead Base: Major Healing are a few new recipes that call for this item (10 Honey, 4 Blood Clots, 5 Royal Jelly). Although each of these has its own statistics, the traditional meals are crucial for players who want to use magic. A player’s magical stat is increased by 80 Eitr from Yggdrasil Porridge and by 85 Eitr from Seeker Aspic.
Similar to other Meads in Valheim, the other creation that calls for Royal Jelly performs the same functions. The game’s fermenter, which will yield six Major Healing Meads, must be used by players. When going back to the Infested Mines of the Mistlands, these are the most potent healing items in the game to date.