Shell Bell Location In Pokemon Scarlet & Violet. Since hold items first became available, competitive Pokemon trainers have been debating which hold item is superior: Leftovers or the Shell Bell. For those who are unaware or uninformed about the many hold items, these are things that in some manner heal your Pokemon; yet, what makes them unique is how they do it.
Every turn, leftovers will restore 1/16 of your Pokemon’s full health. In contrast, Shell Bell will heal your Pokemon according to 1/8 of the damage they caused that turn. This results in Shell Bell typically healing more, but requiring a Pokemon that is moderately offensive.
Shell Bell Location In Pokemon Scarlet & Violet

It is not difficult to locate the Shell Bell. You can get it from one of two places and add it to your collection of hold things.
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The first step is to visit Levincia and browse the goods offered by Delibird Presents. It is available there among the fight items, although it is quite expensive. It will cost you 20,000 Pokedollars, money you might want to use to buy bottle caps.
In Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, where can you find the Shell Bell?

Thankfully, you have other options to choose from. It is accessible in Porto Marinada, like the majority of hold items, albeit refreshing auctions can be a little more time-consuming than refreshing Mass Outbreaks.
Simply working your way up to a Shell Bell is a much simpler (and free!) alternative. Speak with the League Representative by the Pokemon Center in South Province Area Three. He will give you the order to battle six trainers for an amazing prize.
He will give you the Shell Bell for free if you find 6 trainers hidden across South Province Area 3 and then return. What a good man!