How To Unlock The Wishing Well In Ragnarok. In God of War Ragnarok, there are a lot of secret locations that have a big purpose, such rewarding players with uncommon Resources and Crafting Components. One of these secret locations is The Wishing Well. Which may discovered while exploring The Crater in Vanaheim. After Kratos assists Freya in rescuing her brother and completes the Scent of Survival Favor, the region becomes accessible.
It takes a while to unlock the Wishing Well in God of War Ragnarok since you have to finish a Favor before beginning the assignment. The Favor entails turning on the water wheels so that The Crater in Vanaheim can reclaim its former splendour.
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How To Unlock The Wishing Well In Ragnarok

Return of the River Favor, which unlocks the dam in The Crater and grants access to the boat. Must finished in order to unlock the Wishing Well in God of War Ragnarok.
Once the aforementioned Favor has completed. There are two different ways to get to the Wishing Well: either through the Jungle Entrance Mystic Gateway or the Skinholes Entrance Mystic Gateway.
The Mystic Gateway at Skinholes Entrance

To get to the Wishing Well, follow these directions.
Head up the ledge close to the gate and sunder the rock with the Spear from the Skinholes Entrance Mystic Gateway southwest of The Crater.
In God of War Ragnarok, go straight to the gate and open it. After that, leap to the opposite platform and turn right.
In God of War Ragnarok, use the Leviathan Axe to freeze the poison statue after burning the red blossoms with the Blades of Chaos. As you move forward, watch out for opponents that are flinging poison from the platform across.
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Make God of War Ragnarok next. Freya uses Sigil Arrows to burn the red blossoms in the air, exposing a red hook in the process. Step over to the opposite side, then step into the gap next to a Crystalline Fragment.
The Crag Jaw boss will then arrive once you crawl down the cave lined with tiny flowers to get there.
Burn the red flowers on the west side of the arena once you defeat it. Use the Blades of Chaos in God of War Ragnarok to ascend to the upper level at the conclusion of the route. Watch out for the lethal blossoms.
Kill the adversaries and breach the platform’s westernmost ceiling before opening the gate to the Wishing Well.
The Mystic Gate at the Jungle Entrance

Players must fight the Troll hurling rocks from the center squared platform before moving on to the Wishing Well from the Jungle Entrance Mystic Gateway.
Once the dam breached, you can battle the two Trolls by rowing the boat to the recently opened dock on the square platform. After that, go as follows when you return to the Jungle Entrance Mystic Gateway:
Open the gate on the platform’s left side after moving east and crossing using the red hook.
Create a stair leading to the upper ledge in God of War: Ragnarok by using the Draupnir Spear. After that, participants must fit through the narrow entrance on the left side.
Follow the trail until you reach the Wishing Well.
Using The Wishing Well

the Wishing Well to used Players in God of War Ragnarok must obliterate the orange crystals in order to acquire Crystalline Fragments. In God of War Ragnarok, the latter can dropped into the well to gain various goods like resources, crafting materials, and new armor sets. All of the acquired crystals will automatically thrown by Kratos. While exploring The Crater, you can find plenty of these enigmatic crystals.