Elven Cap Location In God Of War Ragnarok. God of War Ragnarok gives players a ton of Favors to complete as it is an open-world action adventure game. Some are simple to locate because players are handed them by the many characters they meet. Other favors are more challenging because they don’t begin until players have located an item.
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Elven Cap Location In God Of War Ragnarok
Across the Realms is one illustration of this. Midgard is the location of this Favor, although it’s off the usual route and incredibly simple to miss. Find a number of ingredients to cook a meal is the aim of this favor. Finding the components, especially the Elven Cap, can be challenging. Players may figure out where to go to find the Elven Cap with this guide.
The Location of the Elven Cap

Players must stop by the Eternal Campfire in Midgard to obtain the recipe book that launches Across the Realms before searching for the game’s ingredients. Players of God of War Ragnarok won’t be able to pick up the ingredients without it. It is simple to find the book because it is just next to a rainbow fire.
Alfheim is where you may find the Elven Cap. It is situated in the Forbidden Sands’ southeast corner. Players of God of War Ragnarok do not need to complete any of the Favors that take place in the Forbidden Sands in order to find the Elven Cap. Players must raise the pillar that stands in the way of access to the Elven Cap.
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Where are the additional components?
Bantam Melon, Prongfruit, and Nordic Gourd make up the final three ingredients. Near the Eternal Campfire is where you can find the Nordic Gourd. The Bantam Melon can be discovered in the Sinkholes in Vanaheim, and the Prongfruit can be found next to the Forge in Svartalfheim, where players can obtain the Draupnir Spear.

The Bantam Melon can only be found once players have finished Scent of Survival and Return of the River, but the majority of the components can be found without completing any other Favors. Players also need to have finished Creatures of Prophecy for this to work.
What Does Completing Across the Realms Earn You?
Players who collect all the components for God of War Ragnarok must go back to the Eternal Campfire and work with the pot there. Mimir will wrap up his tale as Kratos prepares the supper. Players will receive XP, Whispering Slabs, and Meal of Comfort after the Favor is finished.
How to Use Comfort Meal

All stats are increased by five by Meal of Comfort. Players will therefore want to know if there is anything they can do to activate this item. Fortunately, this item begins to work as soon as a player acquires it in God of War Ragnarok, so they won’t need to take any more steps to receive that advantageous boost.
When will God of War Ragnarok be released?
When will God of War: Ragnarök be available? The devs have announced that Wednesday, November 9, 2022, will be the day when God of War Ragnarök is released. You can purchase your copy from companies like GAME.
God of War Ragnarok—is it the last game?
Future God of War games won’t have any new developments from Sony, according to reports. All we currently know is that Ragnarok will mark the end of the Norse narrative.