How To Level Up In God Of War Ragnarok. As people play through the twelve chapters of God of War Ragnarok, they’ll face enemies that are harder and harder to beat. This is clear not only from the difficult boss fights in the game, but also from the regular enemies that players face as they explore the Nordic world. The good news is that players can also do a few things to make themselves stronger.
How To Level Up In God Of War Ragnarok

When players open Nornir Chests, they can get special items that can make their health and Spartan Rage meters go up. While sailing, they can also find drops of Yggdrasil’s Dew to permanently boost their stats or use XP to unlock new skills and abilities. But, just like the last God of War game, the best way to get stronger in God of War Ragnarok is to raise your power level.
How to make God of War more powerful
In God of War Ragnarok, just like the player, each enemy has a power level. This shown by the number in the shield to the left of their health bar. The higher this number is, the stronger the enemy will be, both in terms of how hard they can hit and how much damage they can take, and also in terms of how easy it will be for players to block their attacks. If an enemy’s power level is higher than the player’s, it becomes much harder to block, and in some cases it may even be impossible.

With this in mind, it’s important for players to increase their own power level. This done not by fighting, but by going to one of Brok and Sindri’s workshops and upgrading their weapons and armor to make them stronger, or by putting on a more powerful armor set. Each piece of equipment has it own level and stats. And having higher-level gear equipped will increase the player’s overall power level. Which shown by the number in the shield in the top left corner of the crafting and equipment screens.

But just because leveling up is by far the best way to get stronger in God of War Ragnarok doesn’t mean players should ignore the other ways. New skills can make it much easier to fight, and the small stat boosts you get from each drop of Yggdrasil’s Dew can add up quickly. Opening Nornir Chests can also really change the game, since having more health makes it much easier to stay alive.