How To Change Arrows weapon In God Of War Ragnarok. In God of War Ragnarok, Kratos has a few ranged attacks, but the ranged attacks of his allies are a big part of how the player fights and solves puzzles. As players move through the game, they unlock different kinds of arrows that can used in different ways to solve puzzles.
How To Change Arrows weapon In God Of War Ragnarok

In God of War Ragnarok, there are two types of Runic Arrows: Sonic Arrows and Sigil Arrows. The two will unlocked at different points in the game. But the term “Rune arrows” refers to both of them. The color code for Sonic Arrows is blue-green, while the color code for Sigil Arrows is bright pink. In God of War Ragnarok, you need to know how to use these well and switch between them in order to fight and solve puzzles across the realms.
Types of Arrows in God of War: Ragnarok
Green soundstone can be broken with sonic arrows. Which can used to solve puzzles or push enemies out of the way in battle. Sonic Arrows are great for filling up the stun meter of an enemy, which lets you do a lot of damage once it’s full. Sigil Arrows are a type of magical arrow that helps stun meters and, more importantly, boosts the damage of the Leviathan Axe’s frost damage, the Blades of Chaos’ fire damage, and other elemental effects. (Sigil Arrows are shown on the left. On the right, you can see Sonic Arrows).
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In puzzles, Sigil Arrows can used to make explosions of fire or ice. Move fire or ice to where it needs to go, or hit purple, reflective stone to hit things at strange angles. So, it’s important to remember how to change them. In God of War Ragnarok, players must press UP on the d-pad to change the arrow type.
It’s important to remember this when you’re in the middle of a fight. It’s easy to hit this when changing Kratos’s weapons, either because you don’t realize they should be using a different kind of arrow or because you forget. This could be because the d-pad is on the left side of the PS4 or PS5 controller and the arrow keys and stock are on the right side of the screen. This can make the hands a little bit harder to keep track of, especially when there is so much going on in the game.