Terraformer Production Manifest Location In Marauders. One of the essential goods you require to finish the Crop Production contract on the Marauders Terraformer map is the Terraformer Production Manifest. Players struggle to find the Terraformer Production Manifest due to the maze-like map and the lack of a task marker pointing there. Following that, we are here to provide you with this helpful guide, which details the precise placement of the Terraformer Production Manifest in Marauders.
Where to Find the Marauders Terraformer Production Manifest

The Terraformer Production Manifest can be found in one of the offices in the Terraformer A area, immediately past the Research A gate, in Marauders. To get to the specified location and locate the Terraformer Production Manifest, you can follow the directions below.
- To go to the lower floor, use the stairs. You’ll see a door with the word “Airlock” on it on the left.
- Enter it, then use the console to make the Airlock door move.
- After continuing straight, turn right. As you approach the large entryway that says Terraformer B, keep moving to the right. There is a small door on the right before you enter the door. Grab it.
- Stay to your right until you leave the room once more. Afterward, take the left fork to get to Research A. The office housing the Terraformer Production Manifest is located behind it.
- On a table is the Manifest.
If the location of the Terraformer Production Manifest is still unclear.
Once you locate the Terraformer Production Manifest, look it over to finish the quest and earn the following rewards:
- 250 XP
- fifty factions remaining
- $7,500
- Thompson,.45 automatic

So that’s it. Our overview of where to locate the Terraformer Production Manifest in Marauders comes to an end now.
A multiplayer looter shooting game called Marauder is accessible via Steam on the PC.