How To Get Dark Moon Ring In Elden Ring. Elden Ring’s Dark Moon Ring is a crucial item that is required to finish Ranni the Witch’s questline. Halfway through Ranni’s questline, players must visit a familiar location in order to get it, as suggested by Ranni’s “last” gift to them. Access to numerous very beneficial and potent items, a different ending, and even a homage to earlier FromSoftware games are all provided through Ranni’s Questline.
Action role-playing game Elden Ring was created by FromSoftware and released by Bandai Namco Entertainment. Players must follow the advice of grace and battle demigods in order to get the great runes as a Tarnished Warrior, unable to die and previously banished from the Lands Between. These potent runes, which are fragments of the Elden Ring, will enable their bearer to become Elden Lord and take the throne.
Obtaining the Lost Palace Key
The Ring itself is placed in a place that most gamers will extremely acquainted with, but obtaining it requires a unique key. Ranni the Witch offers the Discarded Palace Key as a reward for completing her quest line. Up until they get the Cursemark of Death from atop the Divine Tower of Liurna, players must advance Ranni’s questline (which itself requires the Inverted Statue acquired from retrieving the Fingerslaying Blade for Ranni).

The barrier preventing entry to Renna’s Rise dissolves in the Liurna area after obtaining the Cursemark of Death. Players may then access a waygate and the Snow Witch Set (Ranni’s attire) by climbing Renna’s Rise.
Players may now try to communicate with the Ranni Doll at this Site of Grace. When this done three times, Ranni will come out as the doll’s possessor and give the player the assignment to kill the Baleful Shadow. Further inside the region, beyond the Nokstella Waterfall Basin Site of Grace. This adversary may discovered next to two coffins. This adversary carries a greatsword infused with Destined Death rather than ice and fights nearly similarly to Blaidd the Half-Wolf.
Get the Dark Moon Ring: How to Do It

The Raya Lucaria Grand Library, where Rennala of the Full Moon encountered. Must visited now that the Discarded Palace Key has been located. The Discarded Palace Key is for the locked box that’s located next to the Site of Grace, which players have probably already spotted. Ranni expected to offer her Consort a present, so open the chest to get the Dark Moon Ring.
What Functions Do Dark Moon Rings Have?
The Dark Moon Ring is necessary in order to finish Ranni’s questline, but players must first pass through a few more hoops before they may utilise it. To find the Sea of Rot, players must go back to Ainsel River. Players may enter a large coffin there and go even further by interacting with it in the Grand Cloister, which is on the other side of the Sea of Rot.

The boss known as Astel, Naturalborn of the Void, may be located in the brand-new region that the coffin leads players to. To get entrance to the Moonlight Altar, a previously inaccessible area of Liurna, you must defeat this monster. Players may locate a hole in the ground next to a Site of Grace that leads to the scene of a fight by going to the Cathedral of Manus Seres. Which situated in this new region and guarded by Glintstone Dragon Adula.
By interacting with Ranni in this location, players may finish her questline and get the Dark Moon Greatsword by putting the ring on her finger (the latest version of the recurring FromSoftware weapon, the Moonlight Greatsword).