How To Plant Trees In Lost Ark. The most valuable trade skill a player may learn in Lost Ark is logging, one of six available options. Yes, you need to go fishing, hunting, and mining to get food, and to get other vital resources. But gathering wood also has a number of advantages. creating various shipping resources to enhancing your stronghold. Finding the timber is, of course, the first stage in the logging process.
In Lost Ark, where are the tree farms?
Trees can felled in Lost Ark to gather wood. While you’ll probably come upon a few trees along the way by chance. There are several locations in particular that are more fertile than others.

Here are the top three tree-farming locations in Lost Ark:
For players who have not yet unlocked their ship in Lost Ark. Bilbrin Forest is the ideal location to farm trees. Numerous arbor trees and different types of wood may found all around the area. All of which spawn frequently. Allowing you to traverse the forest again and gather wood until your trade skill energy runs out. In this region there are also a ton of hunting targets that can yield. Meat for cooking or supplies for leather and skin crafts.
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The next location you should check out in Lost Ark to farm trees is Giant Mushroom Island. This will provide a bigger range of trees in larger quantities. However, in order to get to the island, you will first need a ship. Additionally, in order to harvest any of the larger trees in this region. You must have at least a Level 10 in the trade skill “Lumberjack.”

Last but not least, we have Panda Island. Which is home to thousands of various trees that are simply ready to farmed. Similar to Giant Mushroom Island. Additionally, both of these islands have trees that spawn quickly. Allowing you to harvest as much as you can before your trade skill energy runs out. Although you must have a ship and at least a Level 10 in lumberjacking, the same restrictions still apply.
That is all there is to know about tree farming locations in Lost Ark. Check out our guides section here at Gamer Journalist if you’re looking for more information about the Lost Ark. Where you may find information such as the seven best ways to obtain gold. In Lost Ark or where to get simple lumber to upgrade ships.