How To Make A Lifetime Contract In Counterside. If you’ve been playing Counterside for a while, Sigma might be one of your favourite characters. Those ones have probably helped you get through a lot of fights. As a result, you ought to give back in order to express your gratitude for everything they’ve done. Making a Lifetime Contract with a character is the best way to achieve this. The benefits of a lifetime contract are too valuable to ignore.
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How To Make A Lifetime Contract In Counterside
The loyalty of a character must be maxed out in order to sign lifetime contracts. Loyalty can be raised in a number of ways. The simplest method is to use pay bargaining materials. Characters’ devotion will also rise as they level up. The compensation negotiation materials you utilise will determine how much output you obtain. The ones with the biggest compensation increases will have the most effects on employee loyalty.
Tips For Upholding Character Loyalty

Gaining a lot of victories in battle is another strategy to boost loyalty. The allegiance of a character will decline if you lose battles. This is the location to check for loyalty. Open the game, then tap the area beneath the Operation Tab on the right side of the screen. The word will be Management. You will then see every character on your roster. Select someone, then select the Salary Negotiation tab on the second tab. It will demonstrate your current level of commitment to the character. Characters can be placed in the dorm area to develop loyalty as well, however it won’t rise as quickly as it does during battles.
What Is Required For A Lifetime Agreement

You must acquire a contract from the Business Card business in order to start the Lifetime Contract procedure. By dismissing excess duplicates of staff you don’t need, you can earn currency for this shop. Refresh your roster to make sure that only N and R characters are displayed. Select the unit you wish to get rid of by tapping the trash can icon in the bottom right corner. When you press select, it will display the amount of currency you will receive in exchange for the character.
Next, you need to go to the CEO’s office once you have the contract and a team member with maximum loyalty. Tap the HQ tab on the home screen. The CEO’s office is visible if you scroll all the way to the right. Tap the desk, select the employee, then press Enter Contract to create the contract.
The Benefits Of A Lifetime Agreement

Employees with a Lifetime Contract won’t be disloyal, they’ll get a 20% bonus on experience, and they’ll have a special voice. Making one is the ideal approach to lock in your favourite character’s abilities.
Counterside is now available on mobile devices and on the Steam store. Everyone who plays it will find the tale and characters to be fantastic.