How To Get Mink V3 Blox Fruits 2022. In Blox Fruits, one of the four starting races that players can choose from at random is the Mink. Which is a strong race. The pair of rabbit ears that the minks wear on their heads are what set them apart from other animals. The Minks can strengthened through upgrades much like the other races can.
How to Get a V3 Mink in Blox Fruits on Roblox
In Blox Fruits there is a 12% chance that you will begin as a Mink. When you initially create your character. There is a slim possibility that you’ll get lucky and turn out to be a mink despite the low. But not absurdly low possibilities.
You’ll have to go through the game without trying to change your race. If you don’t start out as a Mink. Once you begin participating in raids. You can either purchase Race Rerolls from Tort for 3,000 Fragments or from the premium shop for 90 Robux.
Before attempting to reach V3 once you are a mink, you must first improve yourself to V2. Go to Bartilo at The Café in the Second Sea when you have attained level 850 at the very least. Then, proceed to Green Zone in the Second Sea after completing his mission.
An alchemist NPC may found Green Zone. He will give you a mission to gather some flowers if you speak with him. Once you have collected all the flowers. You will be able to upgrade your race to V2 and go to the following level.

You’ll now need to defeat Don Swan, a boss. He is in the Mansion. But you must present an actual Blox Fruit that valued at least 1,000,000 Beli in order to enter his room. Get inside to defeat him, but watch out—a he’s powerful opponent!
After completing this, you can begin preparing for V3. Locate the boss named Diamond by going to Flower Hill in the Second Sea. He ought to be standing on a hill, and the hill conceals an entrance.
NPC Arowe can found in the hidden room. If you fulfill all the requirements. Arowe will let you improve your race up to V3, but it won’t finalized until you finish a task.
Depending on your race, you will have to complete a different quest. You’ll need to gather 30 chests to get any minks. Simply go to your preferred zones and collect every known chest; it’s a reasonably simple yet time-consuming task.
Please aware that if you leave your current server, you will lose all of your progress on the quest. Thus it strongly advised that you set aside some time to finish it all at once.