How To Get Forest Regalia In Genshin Impact. One of the new Sumeru craftable weapons from the Aranara Series that players can acquire and create to use on playable characters who wield Claymore-style weapons is the Forest Regalia Claymore. We have put together a helpful tutorial on how to obtain the Forest Regalia Claymore in Genshin Impact as a service to the players.
Genshin Impact: How To Get Forest Regalia Claymore
By purchasing the Tale of the Forest King from the NPC Aravinay in Genshin Impact, you can receive the Forest Regalia Claymore. He is a vendor-type NPC that can found at Mahavanaranapna, Sumeru’s Vanarana in dreams. He offers the weapon blueprint for sale in the form of Tales, a unit of money known as Stories of You and the Aranara.

Stories of You and the Aranara are available after finishing a few particular world tasks.
- Woodland Encounter – Aranyaka
- Varuna Gatha
- Vimana Agama
- Agnihotra Sutra
Go west of Gandharva Ville to discover the NPC Rana, who surrounded by opponents. This is where you should begin. You can start the world quest Woodland Encounter – Aranyaka if you defeat them.
You will receive two Stories of You and the Aranara if you finish the complete Woodland Encounter questline. The rewards for the other tasks, however, will only be one. The world quests mentioned above must also undertaken and finished in the specified order. You won’t be able to activate them if you don’t.
Visit Aravinay and engage with him to interact with the shop menu once you have Stories of You and the Aranara. Grab a copy of The Tale of the Forest King. Once you acquire it, make the Forest Regalia Claymore at any blacksmith.
Making A Forest Regalia Claymore Recipe

The materials required to make the Claymore in Genshin Impact listed below.
- Midlander Claymore Billet
- Crystal Chunk x50
- White Iron Chunk x50
- Mora x500
- Tale of the Forest King
You now understand where to get and how to make the Forest Regalia Claymore in Genshin Impact.
It’s all done for now. Be sure to read up on the Genshin Impact version 3.0 upgrade in our report.
A free-to-play gacha-based role-playing game called Genshin Impact is now accessible on PC, PS4, PS5, Android, and iOS.