How To Upgrade Weapons In Soul Hackers 2. In Soul Hackers 2, every character gets a special weapon that may be improved. Here is a look at how to unlock special effects and improve weaponry.
During Soul Hackers 2’s introduction, there is a lot of information to process. After completing a very lengthy instructional segment, players will finally start to gradually unlock key gameplay elements. Players who finally reach the Mansei Realm region will find an NPC named Tataru (in a structure known as the COMP Smith), who will instruct them on the value of improving their weapons and equipment, which becomes especially beneficial as players start facing more powerful foes.
How To Upgrade Weapons In Soul Hackers 2
In addition to granting a weapon a power boost, upgrading a weapon allows players to get access to Special Effects and other helpful passive skills that will significantly strengthen their characters in particular circumstances. Unfortunately, upgrading weapons isn’t exactly simple, and players who don’t spend much time reading the in-game instructions could get a little perplexed by the sheer number of menus on the screen. The procedure for upgrading a weapon is described in detail in the guide that follows, along with the requirements for obtaining particular Special Effects and boosters. In Soul Hackers 2, here’s how to upgrade your weapons and special effects.
What Soul Hackers 2 Weapon Upgrade Procedures Are

Players will be able to examine each character’s primary weapon in detail after they reach the COMP Smith and are given the option to enhance their equipment. Additionally, they will be able to buy improvements. Players will start receiving resources from the Demons and foes they destroy as they go through the story and access new regions. Certain enhancements that players can apply to their weapons will become available if they have possession of certain of these goods. ATK+ is a wonderful illustration; it appears frequently on all characters and gives players a great chance to raise their outright Physical Damage.
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Players can earn more power by unlocking these upgrades. Which will boost the base Attack of their weapons when the proper Demon materials and Yen are provided.
Soul Hackers 2: How To Unlock Special Effects

Within the same options, players can now unlock Special Effects from the COMP Smith in addition to basic upgrades. These unlockables can truly improve a character’s strength and abilities in various ways in addition to simply increasing. A weapon’s base attack. Players can view a description of a skill’s actions. At the bottom of the screen by highlighting it in the list.
Players must gather the ingredients needed to unlock a certain Special Effect after choosing it. The required resources will appear in a little sub-menu on the right side of the upgrades list. Making it thankfully simple to see what’s lacking. Players can view information about a piece of content’s location. At the bottom of the screen by navigating to this shorter list and selecting it. The location of the Demon or Material should at the very least be visible to players. Giving them a clearer notion of where to start their search.
Unlike her predecessors, Ringo has access to a variety of Special Effects. As Commander, Ringo has access to Passive and Command-based skills that can aid extend buffs. Shift Demons mid-battle, boost the action count, and do other helpful things.