How To Eat Soul Food Buffs In Hackers 2. In Soul Hackers 2, players can trigger particular boosts by feeding their group. Everything you need to know about food enthusiasts and the
Despite the fact that some players might contrast Soul Hackers 2 with the Shin Megami Tensei or Persona series. There are a number of significant differences. For starters, the “social mechanisms” are quite straightforward. All that required of players to raise their Soul Level is that they spend time with their party members through Hangout Events or cinematic decisions. This level is really just important for opening particular Soul Matrix gates that will let players go into each character’s past and reveal more of their backstory (while also gaining access to certain items and skills).
However, there is another mechanic that gives players the choice to hang out with their group. Players will be able to buy and eat food in a “family type” environment where everyone in the group will congregate to eat. These food products have potent benefits attached to them that provide players an advantage in conflict. So this isn’t just for fun either. Here is all the information players require on the functionality of food buffs in Soul Hackers 2. As well as a look at some of the best buffs on offer.
How To Eat Soul Food Buffs In Hackers 2

Players must advance through the “tutorial” sections until they encounter a boss battle. With an adversary dubbed R.S. in order to unlock the eating mechanic. Will be Players able to dine from the safe house menu once they defeat him and return to the safe home. Players consume everything they have on hand once the feature unlocked. When food consumed, the corresponding buff activated and will start to work the next time a player enters a combat zone. However, it should noted that the buff will disappear the instant a player leaves the location and enters the Overworld. (or another area). This means that if players consume food before entering a “dungeon.” But then forget to consume it and return to the safe house or Overworld. They must consume food once more before entering the dungeon.
When selecting a dish from the Meals menu at the safe home. Players need also pay attention to the face icons that display at the top of the screen. These expressions convey a character’s level of enjoyment for the selected dish. The buff will function better when applied the “happier” the icon. Players must make every effort to activate foods that work best for particular characters (or even choose foods that beloved by all).
The Finest Food Lovers

In the Overwold, new foods may purchased in a number of locations. And players have a huge selection of food items and perks to choose from. Here are some of the best bonuses that gamers can obtain, along with information on where to find them: