Where Are All Mondstadt Shrine Of Depths In Genshin Impact. A unique Key needed to access the ancient structure known as the Shrine of Depth in Genshin Impact.
So Every country in Teyvat has Shrines of Depths. Because That dispersed throughout the region in Genshin Impact, and Mondstadt no exception. And Due to the collapse of their country, these Shrines of Depths, which structures shaped like altars. So Were seal by a barrier many year ago.
But To open all the Shrines in the City of Freedom, players must amass 10 Mondstadt Shrine of Depths Keys. So Sadly, the Genshin Impact map doesn’t include these ancient structures, so travelers must look for them.
Locations of Every Mondstadt Shrine of Depths in Genshin Impact

And Mondstadt has a total of ten Shrine of Depths.

Go to the Stormbearer Mountains Teleport Waypoint and travel northwest to find the first Shrine of Depth. The Anemo Hypostasis is nearby the Shrine.

So The second Shrine of Depth can then reached by going to the Midsummer Courtyard Artifact Domain. Because In Genshin Impact close to the Starsnatch Cliff and traveling northeast around the mountains.

So Teleport to the Waypoint northeast of the Snow-Covered Path in Genshin Impact Dragonspine. Then head southeast, to reach the third Shrine. But A gang of Fatui Skirmishers can found strolling close to the altar.

To reach the fourth Shrine of Depth, teleport back to the same Waypoint and move northeastward.

The fifth Shrine of Depth is then visible, sitting on a tiny mountain. To the northeast of the Galesong Hill Teleport Waypoint in Dadaupa Gorge.

East of the Springvale Teleport Waypoint, on a higher cliff, is where you can find the sixth Shrine of Depth.

Go to the Statue of Seven beside the Dawn Winery and head northeast to reach the seventh Shrine.

Now proceed to the Cecilia Garden Domain in Genshin Impact, north of the site of Andrius Dominator of Wolves. And travel south after scaling a small mountain to locate the ninth Shrine of Depth.

Because Northeast of the Brightcrown Canyon Waypoint is where you may find the ninth Shrine. And Reach the destination quickly, then glide to the altar on the mountain below.

So The last Shrine is located south of Dawn Winery and northwest of Ridge Watch Domain.

And The Sanctuary Pilgrim: Mondstadt achievement from the Mondstadt. But The City of Wind and Song category also awarded to players for opening all the Shrines.
How to obtain the keys to the Mondstadt Shrine of Depths in Genshin Impact

There are three ways to get the Mondstadt Shrine of Depths Keys: one-time Domains, specific Quests, and the Adventurer Handbook. Four one-time Domains provide four keys each:
- Northwest of the Windrise Statue of Seven is the Temple of the Falcon.
- The Wolf Temple is located above the Cryo Regisvine.
- North of the Dadaupa Gorge Waypoint is the Temple of the Lion.
- West of the Electro Hypostasis is Eagle’s Gate.

And Additionally, the following two Genshin Impact World Quests must complete:
- One Key will given by New Horizons of Adventure.
- Three Keys awarded upon reaching Adventure Rank 1.

But Finally, in the Adventurer Handbook, Travelers must complete the following tasks:
- Upgrade to Chapter 4 of Level 6 for the Seven Statues in Mondstadt.
- Chapter 5, open 100 chests.
Genshin Impact is currently accessible on mobile, PC, PS4, and PS5. A Switch version worked on.