How To Farm Stardust Pokemon Go 2022. There is essentially always stardust, but there is never enough. Players can quickly and significantly increase their harvest with the appropriate strategies.
Any new player of Pokemon GO can immediately determine how to obtain Stardust by playing the game. Stardust can discovered almost anywhere. How to acquire a lot of Stardust as soon as possible is the actual conundrum.
Lots of Stardust distributed in sporadic amounts in Pokemon GO. So little that even seasoned players. And experts will have to wait until their subsequent inflow of Stardust in order to advance. It is possible to get large amounts of stardust in one go. But trainers must concentrate on a certain strategy and present themselves well.
Table of Contents
Popular Music Piece

- Provides 50% more Stardust for 30 minutes.
To have this activated constantly can be a little expensive. However, if there are a lot of Pokemon or gyms around at a given time. Use a Star Piece and then go to work for 30 minutes. The additional 50% helps to demonstrate why Pokemon GO is one of the multiplayer mobile games. That unmatch by any other. This boost also applies when obtaining incentives or unwrapping gifts, so pop them as soon as possible.
Match Types And Weather

There are many Pokemon nearby, but there is only enough time to catch one or two. Everyone has been there. If the selection is already in the lineup, which ones should the trainer focus on? Checking the type and the weather is the solution.
Weather | Type | First Level Bonus | Second Level Bonus | Third Level Bonus |
Cloudy | Fairy, Fighting, Poison | 25 | 75 | 125 |
Fog | Dark, Ghost | 25 | 75 | 125 |
Partly Cloudy | Normal, Rock | 25 | 75 | 125 |
Rainy | Bug, Electric, Water | 25 | 75 | 125 |
Snow | Ice, Steel | 25 | 75 | 125 |
Sunny | Fire, Grass, Ground | 25 | 75 | 125 |
Windy | Dragon, Flying, Psychic | 25 | 75 | 125 |
The gamer might have to disable AR feature in order to check the weather. Always be aware of your surroundings, wear sunscreen for the Fire-types, and wear warm clothing for the Ice.
Pokemon That Grant Extra Stardust

Players might encounter one of the Pokemon on the following list while looking for the new incense adds. Even if they seen from a great distance, give these top priority because they produce more Stardust.
Pokemon | Bonus Stardust |
Amoongus | 700 |
Alolan Meowth | 750 |
Alolan Persian | 950 |
Audino | 2,100 |
Breloom | 700 |
Chimecho | 1,000 |
Cloyster | 1,200 |
Combee | 750 |
Delibird | 500 |
Foongus | 500 |
Gardbodor | 950 |
Meowth | 500 |
Paras | 500 |
Parasect | 700 |
Persian | 700 |
Sableye | 750 |
Shellder | 1,000 |
Shroomish | 500 |
Starmie | 950 |
Staryu | 750 |
Trubbish | 750 |
Vespiquen | 950 |
Although trainers should target these regardless because they tend to be scarce. Knowing this in advance will allow them to outrun a slower trainer who is unaware of the bonus.
Travel & Hatch

In search of the best Steel kind to hatch? Or you simply prepared to throw any egg into the incubator and leave? a wise choice Catching eggs include a variety of Stardust.
Distance To Hatch Egg (in kilometers) | Bonus Stardust |
2 | 400 – 800 |
5 | 600 – 1,600 |
7 | 800 – 1,600 |
10 | 1,600 – 3,200 |
12 | 3,200 – 6,400 |
Because more eggs can hatch, the two-kilometer egg really somewhat more valuable when the arithmetic done. However, if you’re traveling a long distance and can avoid looking down at your phone. Go ahead and put in the hardest ones.
Daily Catch and Bonuses Subsequent

- Day one’s first Pokemon capture yielded 1,800 Stardust.
- 7 days straight: 9,000 Stardust
Pokemon GO has the most challenging battles in video games. It’s not hyperbole to say that. Don’t use too much effort fighting powerful monsters or trainers in vain. Keep in mind that every day’s first capture provides a welcome boost of stardust. Expect a huge truckload of Stardust to show up if you do this seven days in a row.
Team Rocket against

- Defeated rocket grunt – 500 Stardust
- 2,000 Stardust for defeating the rocket leader.
Participating in a fight with Team Rocket goes beyond simple role-playing in the Pokemon universe. No matter where they are on the organizational hierarchy for the corporation, beating them is valuable. To bring in another load of Stardust, eliminate a group of grunts and their leader.
Pokemon Food at the Gym

A Pokemon protecting a gym owned by the trainer’s team will receive some Stardust as payment for being fed berries. This may produce a bounty in congested urban areas.
It will take a lot of berries for this to be a successful tactic. Unaware of it, players frequently have a crop of them sitting in front of them. Keep in mind that you can carry out this procedure once every 30 minutes to earn even more stardust.
Hold Reward For Triple And Double Events

This a really cunning way for players to cash in their Field Expedition awards. There no requirement that the rewards or the boxes opened right away. The desire to open them right away is apparent. However, players that wait until there is a double. Or triple event before opening their presents will receive double or triple the Stardust from each package they open.
Become A member of the Battle League

Each Battle League season will conclude with the distribution of a prize that includes Stardust. Even casual players can appreciate it a little bit. However, the most dedicated trainers will discover that by moving up the charts, they can gain significantly more.
Activate Adventure Sync

Adventure Sync is easy to activate, but many people choose not to because they worry that. It will significantly reduce their data usage or deplete their battery while they aren’t playing.
Weekly Walking Distance (in kilometers) | Bonus Stardust |
25 | 500 |
50 | 1,000 |
100 | 16,000 |
While they should take into account, anyone who walks around will find free Stardust. Obtain the highest reward at the very least before considering turning the function off.
Pokemon GO is currently accessible on iOS and Android smartphones.