How To Befriend Megadramon In Digimon Survive. One of Agumon’s three Ultimate forms is Megadramon. Which players can befriend once they arrive at the Factory Area in Part 7 of Digimon Survive.
Few Digimon have a more commanding appearance than Megadramon, with its missile-firing limbs and snake-like posterior making its intentions clear. It’s without a doubt one of the most impressive Agumon evolutions in Digimon Survive. But many players not chance to fully feel Dragon Digimon might due to how game karma system affect specific Digivolutions.
Thankfully, there are other ways for gamers to add a Megadramon to their team outside Digivolving Agumon. They can either travel straight to the source and befriend Megadramon in a Free Battle. Or random shadow encounter, or they can befriend and evolve one of Agumon’s Champion forms utilizing Perfect Enlightenment Slabs. They might want some assistance, though. In order to determine the best ways to respond to Megadramon’s inquiries in order to accomplish the latter.
Getting Along With Megadramon In Digimon Survive

In Digimon Survive, the key to making friends with any Digimon is to gain. Its respect by conversing with it during combat. The Digimon will ask three questions or make three remarks, and if players choose Talk option. They will have ability to react, with each response causing the bar over its head to either raise or drop. The best potential answers will fill the bar by two segments. And players must fill it by three or more to have the opportunity to ask the Digimon to their buddy.
In Digimon Survive, showing a Digimon that humans and Digimon truly have a lot in common through empathizing. With it is usually the best approach to make friends with them. With Megadramon, however, that isn’t the case. Because the Android Digimon actually reacts better to people who disagree with it and point out their differences. The greatest Megadramon replies can determined using this knowledge. Or players can look them all up in the table below.

Question / Statement | Best Response |
I want to do nothing but fun things! You too, right? | I’m not like you. |
This is my turf! Leave some food and get outta here! | You give ME food! |
Arrrrgh! Graaaargh! Anyone else just gets in my way! | Calm down already! |
Did you know? Taking a nap after stuffing your face is just the best! | It’s bad for your gut. |
I’ll pulverize ya! Gwaaahahahahaaa! | Not if I beat you! |
Uurrgh… Waiting around makes me wanna go crazy! | Can’t say the same… |
Aint you a frail-looking thing. You eating enough meat? | I eat everything! |
Megadramon Location In Digimon Survive

Similar to Gigadramon, Megadramon debuts in Free Battles in Part 7 and beyond. Since there isn’t much between the two Android Digimon. Players who already have a Gigadramon on their team might prefer to forgo Megadramon to save some time. Sadly, it doesn’t have a really good item either. Players may only anticipate getting Prime Ribs in return for their requests.
Available platforms for Digimon Survive include the PS4, Xbox One, Xbox One S, Switch, and PC.