Clementine Location In Stray. It can be challenging at first to locate Clementine in Stray because she lives in Midtown. Which is a confusing labyrinth of alleyways and neon signs. In Stray, a group of Companions who driven to escape The Dead City, Clementine is one of the “outsiders.” Read on to learn where Clementine is.
- Did you know that Midtown has a secret badge? For more details, see our guide to all the Stray badge sites.

Before you even get to Antvillage or Midtown, you might recognize the name Clementine. Momo’s friend Clementine formerly resided in the slums with the other outsider Companions. Clementine braved the sewers and, along with Zbaltazar, found a passage through them, unlike Momo who opted to stay behind.
Zbaltazar will guide you to Midtown in your attempt to leave The Dead City. Since he believes Clementine might know how to do it. The problem that Clementine also sought by the local authority for allegedly upsetting the peace.
Stray given a clue by Zbaltazar; on the back of the photo. There is a blue symbol designating her apartment complex, a green dot designating her floor. And a red dot designating her room number, indicating that she is in apartment No. 5 on the third level.

In the Momo phase of the mission, B12 will advise you to acquire all of the outsiders’ journals. Because Clementine’s first residence is located in a slum.
The blue and white Outsider’s insignia painted outside Clementine’s window makes it easy. To identify her flat as the location of her notebook. Outside of her open window, she also has a red lamp dangling. Inside the notebook will be a collectible music sheet. Just leap to the rooftops, and her apartment will be next to Momo’s.
- Read our guide to all the Stray notebook locations. If you want to collect the remaining notebooks and complete the quest.

In a building in Midtown is where Clementine lives. Turn right at the hologram in the city center after walking straight ahead from the main street. The complex will decorated with the blue emblem from the picture. In the foyer, you’ll also spot three young Companions talking on a speaker. You can decide whether to speak with them and complete their side mission. If you so choose, or go up to the third story, where Clementine’s apartment is located.
Although Stray can fit through the window crack and her flat cordoned off with police tape. And marked with five dots, Show the picture Zbaltazar gave you to Clementine when you first meet her.
- You now prepared to carry on with the Midtown mission. Check out our tutorial on how to enter Neco Corp Factory if you run into trouble with next one.