How To Scratch The Record In Stray. It’s not immediately clear how to scratch the vinyl in the club, which is necessary. If stray players want to unlock the Scratch trophy.
There are many wonderful things in Stray, but its terrific feline protagonist is unquestionably its most endearing feature. This adorable little cat is capable of a variety of unusual tasks, such as meowing when instructed to do so. And nuzzling up against unaware robots’ legs. The majority of these endearing actions have prizes linked to them. And although while they rarely serve any actual gameplay purposes, they do make the character seem more lifelike.
Actually, there two trophies associated with scratching; the first. “Territory,” requires players to scratch at least once in each of Stray’s twelve chapters. Players must scratch the vinyl record inside the club in Chapter 10 to unlock the other. Unfortunately, neither locating the record in question nor understanding how to properly scratch it after finding it are trivial tasks. This tutorial will go over everything players need to know about the “Scratch” trophy in Stray order to combat this.
How to Use a Vinyl Scratch Machine in a Club

The DJ’s turntables might seem like the most obvious spot to hunt for a vinyl record in a nightclub. But that isn’t always the case. Going over to the turntables will reveal a greyed-out Triangle button prompt. Which unfortunately makes it less evident that scratching might be feasible if players can somehow divert the DJ. Players must locate a record before they can access the “Scratch” award since, upon closer inspection. It becomes clear that there wasn’t ever a record on the turntable to begin with.

The good news is that a record won’t be too far away. So players won’t have to wait too long to make their Djing debut. If they go out onto the dance floor, looking out from the bar. They’ll find a 12-inch vinyl record sitting on one of the tables on the left side of the dance floor. By pressing the Triangle button, they’ll need to pick it up, move it to the turntables above the stage. And then pick it up again. Players can unlock the “Scratch” award by pressing the Triangle button. And then clicking the shoulder buttons as instructed. After placing the record onto the one on the left for a fresh track to start playing.
Stray is currently accessible on PC, PS4, and PS5.
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