Tesla Rifle Plans In Fallout 76. One of the more sought-after weapons in Fallout 76 is the Tesla Rifle. The size of this weapon belies its powerful punch, which electrocutes foes caught in its onslaught. This Tesla rifle fires an electrical arch into the target that can then spread to any adjacent enemies. You can apply further mods to this already lethal weapon to improve its damage.
How to purchase a Tesla rifle

The Tesla Rifle may acquired, like the majority of weaponry, by merely finishing missions and open-air activities. If any of the dealers chance to have this weapon in stock, you can also get it from them. In The Rusty Pick, you can purchase legendary Tesla Rifles from the Purveyor without having made or acquired one before. Deathclaws are the foe with the greatest likelihood of dropping a Tesla Rifle.
How to get the Tesla Rifle plans

You must first obtain the Tesla Rifle’s plans in order to build one. This is much simpler to obtain than some of the other weapon blueprints in the game. Because there are numerous methods to go about doing it. If you don’t want to spend money, one of the best methods to get the Tesla Rifle. Plans is by looking through containers in the Ash Heap, Mire, and Cranberry Bog.
In addition to looking, you can also kill numerous enemies in the same three locations to potentially find the plans. If you are level 40 or higher and don’t mind spending some Caps. You can buy the Tesla Rifle Plans from Vendor Bot Phoenix in Watoga.
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