How To Counter Nautilus In League of Legends. The tactics in this manual will help League of Legends players manage Nautilus in all of his playable roles.
Nautilus is a very strong Champion in League of Legends. Wild Rift who is increasing in win rate and play rate. The ability of Nautilus to choose roles with flexibility is one of his greatest advantages. Because players not able to identify which position Nautilus chosen for until it too late. Enemies may occasionally find it difficult to oppose Nautilus.
Players have, however, been finding it difficult to succeed with Nautilus in roles other than Support more frequently than not. It safe to assume that Nautilus will used in the Support role 90%+ of the time. When players of League of Legends: Wild Rift encounter him. To help players better prepare for him. This guide will describe how to deal with Nautilus in each of his playable roles.
Table of Contents
Supporting Defenses

Since Janna is one of the strongest Champions at disengaging, she is a fantastic counter to Nautilus. When Nautilus engages an enemy, he uses a lot of CC to lock them down. And set up quick kills for his allies. His entire team will pushed away by Janna’s Ultimate, which will also heal her friends to keep them safe. If timed correctly, she can also interfere with Nautilus’ Q, making him feel useless.

Because Seraphine deals high poke damage and poke champions frequently engage other champions in the dual lane. She is an effective counter to Nautilus. Seraphine will be able to use her E. Or Ultimate to stop Nautilus in his tracks and her Q to knock him to the ground. Since Nautilus may still quickly killed if he engages with less than 50% of his health. Getting damage makes it considerably riskier for him to do so.

Since Morgana is the only Champion in the game who can use her E to grant an ally CC immunity. She makes a fantastic counter to Nautilus. All of Nautilus’ attacking skills are effective since they have CC. But since Morgana can counteract it, Nautilus limited in what he can do.

Rakan’s ability to engage, disengage, and move around makes him a decent counter to Nautilus. While Rakan and Nautilus are both engage champions, Rakan stands out due to his better mobility. Rakan is now free to choose whether he wants to be the engager or the disengager. Which allows him to direct the fight’s progression. It can use his E to block any attacks from Nautilus if it targets an ally. Rakan can exit with his W if Nautilus delays to retreat from the fight. Whatever Nautilus is attempting to accomplish, Rakan always has a solution.
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Leading Lane Counters

Most Top Lane Champions countered by Vayne, but he excels at neutralizing Nautilus. Nautilus deals more damage to foes with higher HP. But she lacks the power and mobility to pose a fatal danger to Vayne. Nautilus will feel utterly powerless since Vayne will kite him while tearing up his defenses because he an immovable Tank.

Olaf possesses True Damage, Lifesteal, and CC Immunity, hence he performs really well against Nautilus. Olaf’s sustain may surpass Nautilus’ damage output, and the True Damage is fantastic against tanks. This could render Olaf invulnerable against Nautilus in a 1v1 situation. Finally, Olaf’s Ultimate Ability prevents Nautilus from being able to restrain him. So that his allies may assist him because Olaf can just flee without difficulty.

Since his entire gameplan depends on the enemy pursuing him, Singed is a fantastic option for most Tanks. Singed can move quickly, and Nautilus can’t keep up without suffering a ton of damage from his Q. Singed will be able to easily E Nautilus away from him. And continue making Nautilus chase him even if Nautilus manages to land his Q on Singed. It a great choice to take on Nautilus because of his Ultimate Ability. Which will make his Movement Speed too high for Nautilus to even attempt to keep up with.

Nasus doesn’t want to engage in combat during the Early Game, hence Nasus indirectly counters Nautilus. In order to grow into the mid and late game, he wants to farm safely and accumulate stacks. Nasus will be able to accumulate stacks with ease because Nautilus lacks the damage to pose a danger. When Nasus reaches level 5, if a jungler attempts to gank him. Nasus will either flee or end the jungler’s life. Because Nasus is one of the most potent Champions in the game. If left unchecked, this poses a serious challenge for players.
Jungle Defenses

Due to his superior dueling potential, which Nautilus lacks, Kha’Zix is a fantastic counter to Nautilus. Team fighting is where Nautilus shines, but Kha’Zix won’t let Nautilus get there easily. Invading Nautilus’ jungle. And robbing him of his camps or even his buffs while killing him alone will be completely up to Kha’Zix. Nautilus does not want to be in a situation where he is a herbivore living in a jungle. He wants to be able to gank, but Nautilus can’t do much about it. Because Kha’Zix keeps killing him in his jungle with his Q or hopping over barriers with his E.

Since Amumu essentially performs what Nautilus wants to do. But better, Amumu is a highly difficult opponent for Nautilus to face. Nautilus intends to use his Q, E, and Ultimate to subdue opponents. However, if they both engaged in a team fight with Amumu, Amumu would do more damage. Tank almost as much as Nautilus would, and have better team fighting abilities. If Amumu and Nautilus were to engage in a battle, Amumu might progressively annihilate Nautilus. Because his W also does damage dependent on maximum health. Amumu merely does Nautilus’ duties superior to him, which is never advantageous for a Nautilus Player.
It is possible to play League of Legends: Wild Rift on Android and iOS smartphones.