Health Upgrade Locations In Wolfenstein New Order. While killing Nazis, you’ll need as much health as you can get. In many ways, Wolfenstein: The New Order is a classic shooter with a contemporary twist. The game stays loyal to the franchise with its basic mechanics: combat is quick. And uncontrolled; mysteries tucked away in every corner. And health, armor, and ammo pickups dispersed all over the place.
Particularly on harsher difficulties, health and armor can practically vanish in a matter of seconds. With a health overload simply providing a fleeting, deteriorating health boost. Fortunately, twelve health upgrades scattered throughout the game provide Blazkowicz an additional 10HP each. To keep you in the fight, we’ll provide the chapter and locations of these red army figures below.
Table of Contents
Two Chapters

Turn away from the button to find a safe before you open the doors to the Asylum building to flee. Use Fergus’ hotwiring technique to open it so you may access the health upgrade within.
Chapter Three

Health Improvement #1
Get an apron from the cabinet next to the chainsaw in the basement of Anya’s grandparents. Before you start questioning the cop. Grab the chainsaw later. Instead, search the base of the cabinet for a toybox that has a health enhancement.
Health Improvement #2
Go inside and turn left into the stairway once you get at the checkpoint where Anya’s grandmother kills the Nazi. Hotwire the elevator in the middle of the room rather than mounting it. Take the elevator to the top, then peek behind the wire coil. Before you cross the gantry to locate the health improvement.
Chapter Five

Go to Blazkowicz’s room, which is the one to the left of Max’s. And spend the night on the bed there to receive the health improvement. The health boost will be on the nightstand next to the bed when you wake up.
Chapter Six

It might be wise to take care of your opponents first. Since there will be plenty of them waiting for you when you enter the London Nautica lobby. To find an office, look left as you enter the lobby. A safe is located within the office, close to the armoury door. Grab the health upgrade from within the safe by hotwiring it.
Chapter Seven

Go upstairs and rest in your bed once more. When you awaken, you’ll find the health upgrade on Blazkowicz’s bedside.
Chapter Nine

Similar to Chapters 5 and 7, retire to your bedroom and get some shut-eye. You’ll see a cutscene, and after it’s through, you’ll awaken next to your bed. Next to it on the nightstand is the health improvement.
Chapter ten

You’ll need to make it to a platform to boost the water level. In a big basin while navigating the sewers. Dive into the basin and search the floor for a safe before flooding the chamber. Grab the health enhancement inside by hotwiring it.
Chapter Twelve

You’ll take a second helicopter journey to the bridge’s peak at the chapter’s conclusion. Exit the helicopter, then enter the room to your right. A safe is located in the back right corner of the room. Grab the health upgrade from within the safe by hotwiring it.
Chapter Thirteen

Once more, the improvement is located close to the mission’s conclusion. Stand above the grate you’ll use to escape after gathering the cannon codes and activating the alarm. Do not pass through it. Instead, turn to the left and you’ll see a wall-mounted safe. Hotwire it to reach the game’s last health improvement.