Where Are All The Companions In Fallout 4. With a friend by your side, the Commonwealth Wasteland will seem less lonely.
Fallout 4’s wastelanders will undoubtedly come into contact with post-war residents. Who are amicable despite the hostile nature of the post-apocalyptic world. As they explore more of the Commonwealth and learn about its factions. The companions, a group of 15 people of various races, origins, and dispositions. Can accompany the player on their travels under the condition that the player first assists the companions.
Table of Contents
Every Companion

The player can discover Cait prizefighting in the Combat Zone. A combat sports arena run by several of Boston’s neighborhood raider factions, to the east of Diamond City. Her struggle interrupted by the player presence in the combat zone. Which also draws the hostile attention of all the raiders there.
Cait’s owner, Tommy Lonegan, will grieve the loss of his audience. When the player rids the Combat Zone of the invaders and give the player a free buyout of her contract. Cait will accompany the player if they agree to it.
Benign Intervention is a task that the player must complete to help Cait. A long-term psycho junkie, kick her drug addiction. In this mission, the two travel to Vault 95. Which is close to the Glowing Sea, and engage in combat with Gunners to get to a detox chamber. That can almost rapidly clean her up. When Cait is the player’s active companion and they complete this quest. They will receive the Trigger Rush perk. Which speeds up their AP recovery rate when they are under 25% of their maximum health.

The player former Mister Handy butler name Codsworth. He was able to patiently wait for their return at the player’s house in Sanctuary Hills, close below Vault 111. During the first 200 years of nuclear fallout.
Built to help, Codsworth will immediately re-join the player at their request. During the objective Out of Time, he will assist in wiping out the last of Sanctuary Hills. After which he will be able to permanently accompany you. The player will sustain less damage from hostile robots’ energy-based attacks when traveling with Codsworth.

During the quest Hole in the Wall, Curie, a Miss Nanny with medical training. And scientific aptitude, can discovered at the covert disease-testing mole rat lab in Vault 81. She has the sole dose of medicine that can save Austin. A young vault dweller who is in a critical condition. She will give them the remedy as long as the player can eliminate the mole rats. That have imprisoned her within the lab.
After completing this mission, Curie, who is curious about the outside world. Offers to go on an exploration and learning journey with the player. However, she reaches a learning ceiling when she believes that, as a robot. She limited in her ability to advance science because of her lack of empathy. She begins the mission titled Emergent Behavior by asking the player. To assist her in discovering a means for her to occupy a human body.
They proceed to Goodneighbor’s Memory Den so that Doctor Amari can implant Curie’s consciousness into a synthesized body. By doing this, the player will receive the Combat Medic perk. Which will heal them for 100 hit points whenever their health falls below 10% of their maximum. This perk will also benefit Curie.

Deacon is a Railroad spy who works to escort synths who have fled Institute custody. And closely monitor events in the Commonwealth. It suggests that a person of their ingenuity could relied upon to conduct Railroad operations. When the player follows the group to their base of operations at the Old North Church.
This starts the Tradecraft quest, which also serves as Deacon’s companion quest and the first Railroad mission. In it, Deacon leads the player to sneak into Lexington’s Slocum’s Joe in quest of a prototype gadget. The Railroad former headquarter, the coffee shop, has subsequently take over by synthesizer. Which must dealt with in order to move further.
Deacon will volunteer to travel full-time with the player after completing this mission. Deacon will grant the player the Cloak & Dagger perk when they are together. Which boosts sneak attack power and lengthens the duration of stealth boy benefits.

The beloved and recognizable German Shepherd friend from Fallout 4. Sits aimlessly near the Red Rocket truck stop, which is close to Sanctuary Hills. Following a brief mole rat ambush and some stroking, This obediently joins their adventures as a buddy. The player instruct to greet them. Dogmeat doesn’t have any companion-specific tasks of their own. Although they do help Nick Valentine find Kellogg as part of the main quest line.
John Hancock

Hancock is the mayor of the town of Goodneighbor, a vicious ghoul posing as a Revolutionary War soldier. It doesn’t have any companion-specific tasks of his own. But his influence covers almost every quest taking place inside Goodneighbor’s borders.
Hancock ends The Big Dig by foiling a conspiracy by Goodneighbor residents to steal from his private arsenal. At which point he declares his resignation as mayor. The mayor introduces himself to the player. And offers his services after delivering a prewritten speech from a balcony with a view of the town. The Isodoped perk, which increases the critical hit charge rate in V.A.T.S. When the player is more than 25% irradiated, is available to players who bring Hancock along.
Robert Joseph MacCready

The player can hire MacCready, a former gunner turned hired gun who served as the mayor of Little Lamplight. During the events of Fallout 3, from the Third Rail in Goodneighbor. He will become the player’s buddy in exchange for 250 caps, or 200 after a speech check.
The companion quest Long Road Ahead brings MacCready’s turbulent past as a Gunner to a climax. At his request, the player kills Barnes and Winlock at their hideout on the Mass Pike Interchange. Two Gunner commanders who were pressuring him to go back.
MacCready then leads the player to Med-Tek Research after cutting his links to the military company. To obtain a sample of the medication that will cure his son’s illness, the two battle through ghouls there. The father will give the player the Killshot perk. Which gives a 20% advantage when aiming for an opponent’s head in V.A.T.S.
Valentine, Nick

Second-generation synthesizer turned detective Nick Valentine works out of Diamond City. The player told to go to his office and ask for his help in finding Kellogg. By the time they get to Diamond City, Valentine imprisoned in Vault 114 by Triggermen.
As the player makes their way to Valentine from Park Street Station in the northeast of the city. They must battle their way past Triggermen. And avoid a clash with the group’s commander, Skinny Malone, in order to release Nick. When they finished, they can rejoin the investigator at his office to start the Getting a Clue quest.
The player enters Kellogg’s house with Valentine’s assistance and discovers used cigar butts that have a connection to Kellogg. Nick instead offers the player his services as a companion after cracking the case.
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Old Longfellow

Longfellow, the lone companion connected to Far Harbor, is a skilled hunter and navigator who resides on the island. Longfellow offers to introduce the player to the synth society of Acadia during the Walk in the Park quest. After they get off the boat and get to know the locals.
Once these relationships made, Longfellow offers to stay by player’s side. And serve as a guide to the island’s attractions. His bonus, Hunter’s Wisdom, lessens incoming animal damage of any kind.
Paladin Danse

At Cambridge Police Station, a Brotherhood of Steel officer, the armored Paladin Danse, and his team discover pinned down. In response to their call for help, players can assist them and fend off the approaching waves of wild ghouls. By doing this, the Fire Support quest will begin and end.
Danse will feel motivated to enlist the player into the Brotherhood. After the player has demonstrated their worth in a battle. In the Call to Arms mission, the player’s debut to the game begins with a coordinated expedition. Into ArcJet Systems in pursuit of a new transmitter device. When the Prydwen reaches the Commonwealth, Danse will offer to serve with them as a companion. If this mission successful, and the player will accepted into the Brotherhood ranks.
When it discovered later in the Brotherhood of Steel quest line that Danse is truly a synth. Both his existence and Brotherhood membership are in direct conflict with the group’s principles. Danse’s future is in their hands, according to Maxson, the Elder of the Commonwealth chapter. The Know Your Enemy perk, which deals more damage to super mutants, synthesizers. And ghouls, will given to the player by the former Paladin Maxson. If they can persuade him to spare Danse.

At the city gate, Piper, a reporter for Publick Occurrences, the local newspaper in Diamond City. Is first seen arguing angrily with Mayor McDonough. The player will grab her attention after interjecting in their argument, mostly because of how they both act. And seem like vault dwellers. The Story of the Century quest launched when she extends an invitation to an interview.
The player will question about their time living in the vault later on in Piper’s office. She will find the player and their adventure fascinating regardless of their responses. And she will offer to go along and cover whatever occurs next. The Gift of Gab perk, which boosts the amount of experience received when completing speech tests or exploring new locations. Is only available when Piper is the active companion.
Porter Gage

The player will encounter Porter Gage, a raider who acts as a mediator between the three main raider gangs. The Disciples, the Operators, and the Pack—while exploring the raider civilization emerging at Nuka World. The two come up with An Ambitious Plan to retake. And control entire park while splitting it five zones ownership between three factions.
Gage makes sure all three gangs are on the same page. And content with their new territories as the player pushes through the zones and exterminates their hostile inhabitants. The player’s damage resistance. And experience gain while exploring the park both increased by Gage’s Lessons in Blood perk. Which he offers to assist the player with as a temporary companion.
Preston Garvey

In Concord’s Museum of Freedom, Preston Garvey, the acting representative of the Commonwealth Minutemen. Holed up, fending off a bunch of vicious raiders from attacking the remainder of his troops. When the player completes the When Freedom Calls mission and defeats the raiders and a sudden deathclaw sighting. Preston will enlist them in defending other Minutemen-affiliated villages from wasteland dangers.
The player will awarded the rank of General within the Minutemen. After assisting their first settlement in The First Step, and Preston will offer to fight beside them as a partner. When a player outnumbered three to one in a fight, the United We Stand perk. Which significantly increases damage output and damage resistance, applied.

Strong is a powerful mutant who distinguishes himself from his contemporaries by enjoying classical theater. The other super mutants stationed with him at Trinity Tower apprehended him. And intended to execute him by throwing him from the structure. Despite him not being quite as vicious or hostile as his militant race would imply.
The player can climb the tower during the Curtain Call quest, eliminate its hostile super mutants. And free Strong from his imprisonment. Once liberated from his captors, he pledges himself to the player in the hopes. That their journey will enable him to locate the legendary “milk of human compassion” that his theatrical plays refer to. Strong, who experienced in battle, grants the player the Berserk perk. Which boosts melee damage when the player is less than 25% of their maximum health.

The Institute employs a synth courser named X6-88 who tasked with finding escaped synth experiments. When locating and bringing back fugitive synths during Synth Retention. The player will run into X6-88 if they become involved in Father’s Institute operations.
Father will reveal his intentions to promote the player into their position. Making them the de facto head of the Institute. Once the player takes part in The Battle of Bunker Hill in favor of the Institute. X6-88 will act as the player’s companion once it discover. That they are a part of Father’s line of succession. Shield Harmonics, a companion perk, raises the player’s base resistance to energy damage from all directions.