How To Beat Warden Of Nothing Grandmaster.Season of the Haunted now offers Grandmaster Nightfall Strikes from Destiny 2. And this tutorial explains how to defeat the Warden of Nothing GM.
Warden of Nothing Grandmaster Nightfall Strike in Destiny 2 Overload gm winners unbeatable barrier of champions tunnels of champions boss room conqueror
As of the seventh week of Destiny 2’s Season of the Haunted. Players can now enter Grandmaster Nightfall Strikes. And there is a new rotation of six Strikes from which they can select. Grandmaster Nightfalls can really accomplished in any sequence, provided that the player hasn’t already done so. This is because each one only offers a free checkpoint after the first completion of the Season. Players of Destiny 2 will then be able to finish every GM Nightfall. But they will need to follow the weekly rotation.
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How To Beat Warden Of Nothing Grandmaster
However, what creates a build in the game is frequently a combination of the many components of each subclass as well as mods. There are many fantastic Destiny 2 weapons to use in GM Nightfalls in Season of the Haunted. The finest builds to employ in the Warden of Nothing GM for Season of the Haunted will covered in this section.
It advised that Destiny 2’s Hunters use Void 3.0 builds focused on invisibility. Even though the Warden of Nothing GM Nightfall has the Solar Acute Burn modifier. This is due to the fact that this GM has a lot of tough sections, making having an invisible player quite beneficial for both teams and solo clears.
If you want insane team support with the Void 3.0 build, use Omnioculus. Or if you want more mobility so the Hunters can always be where they need to be, use Graviton Forfeit.
The Exotic allows the user to chain Smoke Bombs by refunding melee energy while making teammates invisible. And Omnioculus offers damage resistance while the Hunter and their teammates are invisible.
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Mobility will still be a crucial stat, but it won’t be as important as Strength and Resilience in the Graviton Forfeit construct. Instead, the focus should be on Strength and Resilience. Additionally, Hunters can shorten the cooldown of their Dodge by using the Utility Kickstart mod.
One build variant uses Aeon Swift to give the Hunters’ allies Special and Heavy ammunition while using finishers on Elite foes or mini-bosses, respectively.
This is great because it offers invisibility on finisher last blows. Which this build will use frequently when combined with Echo of Obscurity.
The greatest choices for Exotics for Titans in Destiny 2 are Heart of Inmost Light and Helm of Saint-14. Which allow them to spam skills and use Ward of Dawn frequently.
But Titans also have the option of employing a particular Solar 3.0 construct with the Loreley Splendor Helm. Which, when combined with Sol Invictus, a high Resilience stat. And Classy Restoration, offers almost invulnerability.
The Acute Solar Burn modifier plus the fact that Titans can easily stand in the open throughout the mine encounter make this a wonderful addition to the Warden of Nothing GM.
The first and most obvious choice for Warlocks in Destiny 2 in this GM Nightfall is a Solar 3.0 build that utilises Well of Radiance along with either Starfire Protocol for grenade spam or Phoenix Protocol for more frequent Supers.
This is excellent in the boss fight as well as for clearing out adds and setting up a potent well that enables allies to withstand incoming damage.
Void 3.0 As a result, a strong option for Warlocks in this GM is the Stasis build for Warlocks with Osmiomancy. A set of Exotic gloves that enhance Coldsnap Grenades.
Due to the Exotic’s perk, players can spam Bleak Watcher turrets, a process that can accelerated up with several Firepower modifications. As a result, this build is fantastic for crowd control.
Again, it is advisable to equip two copies of the seasonal Armor of the Dying Star mod on the chest armour due to the Acute Solar Burn modifier.
To enter the prison

Players of Destiny 2 will begin their game in a tunnel that eventually leads to the entrance of the Prison of Elders, the location of the GM Nightfall.
Warden of Nothing Grandmaster Nightfall Strike in Destiny 2 Overload gm winners unbeatable barrier of champions tunnels of champions boss room conqueror
Players must defeat some Vex Goblins and an Overload Champion defending the gate before they can enter the Prison, though. It is preferable to deal with the Vex Goblins from a distance because they release harmful Arc pools when defeated.
In comparison to foes like Unstoppable Champions, who deal Solar damage, the Acute Burn in this GM, the Overload Champion deals Void damage with its shots, making it less hazardous.
The challenging part is that, as a GM, Warden of Nothing includes all three categories of Champions: Overload, Unstoppable, and Barrier. Players should therefore modify their loadouts accordingly.
Pass through the Tunnels

After entering the Prison of Elders, players must turn on a console that starts a train, turning on the railroad network and sending several trains barreling through the tunnels.
In order to avoid hit by an incoming train in Destiny 2, players should use the platforms at the sides of the tracks and run via the tunnels.
Warden of Nothing Grandmaster Nightfall Strike in Destiny 2 Overload gm winners unbeatable barrier of champions tunnels of champions boss room conqueror
Parallel tracks will be present in the future, with trains entering on one side first and the other second. Players should travel quickly on the tracks where the previous train passed and switch to the other track when the next train is approaching by using their Sparrows.
Players will soon arrive at a location where a mini-boss Vex Hydra is engaged in combat with two Cabal Phalanxes and an Unstoppable Champion. After defeating the Hydra, players should deal with the Unstoppable Champion.
Players will now have to cross a number of tracks in order to move forward. And they will right away come across a Barrier Champion standing in the centre of the space. Players should eliminate this Champion as soon as they can because it already isolated.
Players must then leap up and run above the tracks from the Champion’s platform in order to evade the trains and make their way out of the tunnels.
Warden of Nothing Grandmaster Nightfall Strike in Destiny 2 Overload gm winners unbeatable barrier of champions tunnels of champions boss room conqueror
Another Unstoppable Champion will be fighting a few Vex Goblins close to the exit. While up ahead will be a few Cabal soldiers, a Phalanx, and a Barrier Champion.
Players of Destiny 2 should take out the Unstoppable Champion last after taking out the additions close to the Barrier Champions.
The exit up ahead, on a path that indicated by a marker.
Out of the Tunnels

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However, leaving the tunnels won’t be as simple as it seems because there are a lot of Vex foes guarding the exit.
Warden of Nothing Grandmaster Nightfall Strike in Destiny 2 Overload gm winners unbeatable barrier of champions tunnels of champions boss room conqueror
There will be a few Hobgoblins up ahead, whom players may easily dispatch with Anti-Barrier weaponry since once they get immune. They over-penetrate their regeneration barrier.
However, in the main section, players of Destiny 2 will encounter numerous Goblins. A mini-boss called Hydra, and Barrier Champions on either side of the room.
After eliminating the Hydra and Goblins, players should take on both of the Barrier Champions from a distance. A new mini-boss will then appear if players kill the adds at the room’s back.
A named Minotaur will spawn this time. Despite its enormous size, it would occasionally teleport and travel around the room. Allowing the mini-boss to teleport into the centre of the chamber and then taking it down with Supers and Heavy ammunition is the best course of action.
It’s important to note that there is currently a Destiny 2. Exploit that allows players to have unlimited ammo in GM Nightfalls by using the new rejoin ability to respawn with all of their ammunition.
Players will then advance to the following part as any opponents and trains that are still present in the room will vanish as a result.
Its Arena

Players of Destiny 2 can now enter a location where Cabal adversaries are waiting. With Psions and normal soldiers manning the gate.
Two Unstoppable Champions and a few Void-shielded Incendiors. That are up ahead will immediately become priority targets for players as soon as they appear.
Players should move cautiously because there are numerous snipers. Around by running to a secure location before taking out the Psions.
The elevator that transports them to the next significant encounter. A location called The Arena, can found at the end of the room. In the centre of the map, players will discover several Champions engaged in combat with additions joining in from the sides.
Warden of Nothing Grandmaster Nightfall Strike in Destiny 2 Overload gm winners unbeatable barrier of champions tunnels of champions boss room conqueror
The two Barrier Champions, the Overload Champion, and the Unstoppable Champion must alldefeated in this area by Destiny 2 players. The players should only concentrate on the Champions that are either attacking them or those that are by themselves in the group fight. Despite the fact that this sounds like a daunting confrontation.
In this manner, players can select the enemies they want to deal with before clearing the area. Which initiates the actual fight.
Players will now required to complete a challenge in which they must stand. At particular locations on the map and disarm mines as several adds spawn.
An Unstoppable and a Barrier Champion will spawn from the middle door, and the first mine. Known as Mine A, will materialise right away in the centre of the arena.
Warden of Nothing Grandmaster Nightfall Strike in Destiny 2 Overload. Gm winners unbeatable barrier of champions tunnels of champions boss room conqueror
In order to prevent Mine A from going off and destroying the team. Players need burst down the two Champions one at a time.
Mine B and Mine C will spawn on the opposite ends of the battlefield when Mine A has defused. And an Overload Champion will spawn close to the centre of the Arena.
Players of Destiny 2 should stun the Overload Champion while defusing one of the mines. Then destroy the Champion and move on to the last mine before its timer expires.
On Mine B and Mine C, players can stand alone. However after all the mines have neutralised, including the Overload Champion, all enemies will vanish. Players won’t receive Platinum prizes for the GM if this occurs.
Warden of Nothing Grandmaster Nightfall Strike in Destiny 2 Overload. Gm winners unbeatable barrier of champions tunnels of champions boss room conqueror
A named Colossus will then appear in the centre of the Arena at this time. Players can advance to the following stage after defeating it. Which will cause all the adds in the chamber to despawn.
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Boss Room

The boss chamber can reached by using a phoney treasure chest that can discovered below the arena. This chest activates an elevator that descends, taking players to a platform close to the boss room.
Players of Destiny 2 will once more encounter four Champions fighting. Each other in the centre of the boss room: an Overload Champion. An Unstoppable Champion, and two Barrier Champions.
Warden of Nothing Grandmaster Nightfall Strike in Destiny 2. Overload gm winners unbeatable barrier of champions tunnels of champions boss room conqueror
It is advisable to eliminate them in this order. Using cover if necessary, and then to clear the area of potential additions before beginning the boss confrontation.
Immediately after the chamber cleared, the boss itself will spawn. And players have a brief window of time to take it down using Supers and Heavy ammunition.
The boss should eliminated as soon as it spawns in order to terminate the GM Nightfall. Although this isn’t always possible due to group DPS.
If the boss killed, the Strike is over right away, and all of the foes in the area despawn. Players will have to find shelter right away or perish. On the spot if the boss survives and scorches the entire room.
Players will struggle to finish the GM if the boss survives since numerous named opponents and adds. Such as a Void-shielded Minotaur and a Solar-shielded Centurion, will emerge.
Due to the fact that players must also withstand the boss’ attacks and attempts to scorch the room. These foes will pursue players and either stomp the ground or shoot their weapons. Both of which are equally lethal.
Warden of Nothing Grandmaster Nightfall Strike in Destiny 2 Overload. Gm winners unbeatable barrier of champions tunnels of champions boss room conqueror
The easiest method to end the Strike is to avoid the designated opponents as much as you can. Shoot the boss whenever you can, and move from cover to cover.
The Warden of Nothing Grandmaster Nightfall will come to an end once the boss killed. Rewarding Destiny 2 players with loot and a Triumph connected to the Conqueror Seal.