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Relic Record Locations In MHR

Relic Record Locations In MHR. Here are the locations of the ten Relic Records in the Citadel for each of the maps in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak.

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak adds two additional maps to the mix, and each of them has 10 distinct Relic Records that must be collected in order to disclose enigmatic messages left by an unidentified hunter. All of the Relic Record locations for the Jungle have previously been covered by Game Rant, but this guide will show gamers where to find them all in the Citadel.

Citadel Relic Record Message 1

If players go to Area 3’s crumbling ruins, they need search for a defunct water well before jumping into it. The bottom is far below, so hold off on going there just yet.

Stop about halfway down the hole and search for a secret door leading to a side section.

Relic Record Locations In MHR
Relic Record Locations In MHR

Players can get gifts inside the side area’s wooden door by destroying it, but otherwise, they should simply slide down the road next to the Mining Outcrop. This will lead users to a remote location where they can pick up the first Relic Record notification.

A location for Great Wirebugs is also close by.

Citadel Relic Record Message 2

The second Citadel Relic Record can be found inside a shrub if players ultimately ascend the wall to the northeast of Area 4.

Sandy Plains Relic Record 2 600x338 1

If players manage to find three Wirebugs, it might be simpler to scale the mountain.

Citadel Relic Record Message 3

On the route through the Citadel from Area 3 to Area 14, there is a massive, damaged arch-shaped building. The Relic Record can be found at the top of the tower if you use the Wirebugs to ascend there.

Monster Hunter Rise Flooded Forest messages map 2

The location is highlighted in the graphic below for players to find.

Citadel Relic Record Message 4

Players will uncover a wooden door in Area 3 that may be destroyed with a Barrel Bomb underneath the large bridge.

Monster Hunter Rise Sandy Plains rampage messages map

Locate Relic Record #4 for the Citadel within.

Citadel Relic Record Message 5

Head up to this cold ledge in Area 6 to uncover the fifth Relic Record in the Citadel. The sword will be frozen in the snow and available for capture.

Sandy Plains Relic Record 3 600x338 1

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Citadel Relic Record Message 6

Players will notice multiple rocky cliffs on the north side of Area 10. Players must climb the walls while using Wirebugs till they reach the summit.

Sandy Plains Relic Record 1 600x338 1

The following Relic Record will be in a secret nook up there. Although utilising three Wirebugs should be helpful, reaching the top can be challenging.

Citadel Relic Record Message 7

Look to the cliffs on the right of the path leading from Area 10 to Area 5 in Monster Hunter Rise to uncover a small cave opening.

Enter the cave, then proceed along the right-hand path. Turn left at the next intersection to reach the Relic Record past a damaged platform.

Citadel Relic Record Message 7

Players of Sunbreak will locate a demolished tower sticking out of the ground at an angle in Area 12 of the Citadel.

To locate the following Relic Record, climb the tower.

Citadel Relic Record Message 9

Hunters can visit Area 13 to locate the ninth Relic Record message in the Citadel.

Keep a watch out for the big tree stump, then enter it to discover the artefact.

Citadel Relic Record Message 10

Hunters must go to the area’s Sub-Camp, which is north of Area 4, to find the final Relic Record for the Citadel.

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When the players arrive at the campsite, they should face the tent and turn to the left to locate a little hole. The eleventh Relic Record is down the path, so slide down there.