How To Get Gabrielle In Dislyte. Although she’s extremely rare, Gabrielle is arguably the strongest Esper in D’isylte. We know how to catch her, but it will take some time.
One of the most powerful Espers in Dislyte, many people think Gabrielle is the best of them all. There is a lot of fierce competition with more than 70 Espers available. But it’s simple to understand why she so well appreciated given that she combines direct damage with ATK and DEF down debuffs.
Gabrielle stands out since she can fit into many different squads either as a support Esper or just as a DPS. Characters that fit both criteria are uncommon. Additionally, her SPD level—a stat that most players prefer their teams to be strong in—increases her damage. So the artefacts you would probably want to offer her benefit her well.
Table of Contents
Gabrielle’s First Step Is Getting
A renowned five-star Esper is Fabrice Gabrielle. When you spin for Espers, there is just a one percent chance of receiving a legendary, but don’t worry—there is a surefire way to get Gabrielle. Just a little perseverance needed.
Swipe right to access the left-side home screen from the Dislyte main screen. Click the neon War Room sign when you get there. then select the Esper Fusion button on the following screen. Both Fabrice and Gabrielle’s pictures will displayed. While Gabrielle is what we ultimately want, we must first click on Fabrice.
Fusion Esper
Esper fusion is a technique for joining four Espers to create a much more beneficial one. There are only two options, but both are far superior then the majority of decisions you’ll receive through spins. Simply locate four more Espers and enhance them to the point where they may used in the Esper Fusion process.

Two boxes—one requiring the addition of a single Esper and the other three—can found at the bottom of the Fabrice Esper Fusion screen. A little screen letting you know if you have any suitable Espers you can use, either now or in the future, will open up if you click the “+” on the left-side box.Be aware that this Esper must be Berenice in order to fuse Fabrice. She is a highly popular three-star Esper, thus you will probably find several of her very early on in the game. The three Espers needed in the other box can be any three of your choosing, as long as one is orange, one is green, and one is purple.
How To Get Gabrielle In Dislyte
Also keep in mind that there is one more prerequisite for all four Espers you desire to fuse. You’ll notice what appears to be a half moon next to the “+.” This is demonstrating to you that before an Esper may used in Fabrice’s fusion procedure. They must have successfully achieved their fourth stage of ascension.
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Which Esper Leveling Strategy Is Best For The Fusion Process?
An Esper must have attained level 30 in order to be qualified for the fourth stage of ascension. Additionally, they will need the corresponding colour basic (50), advanced (35), and elite (10) Waves to cover the cost.
By doing this, you can accomplish two goals at once. Your Espers will gain experience from participating in the battles and receive the Waves they require as rewards for completing Sonic Miracles. If you have successfully completed a level higher than the opponent you want to multi-battle against, you can complete these battles automatically using the “multi-battle” tool.
You should be able to take a group of novices to a level six Sonic Miracle (which has a chance of awarding Elite Wave prizes) if you have one powerful Esper at levels 50 to 60. You should have the necessary levels and Waves in no time if those four low-level Espers are what you require for ascension and subsequent fusion.
Obtaining Gabrielle for Oneself
Return to the War Room and add your four level 30 Espers to the Fabrice area under Relic Fusion once they have reached level 4. Congratulations, you now have Esper Fabrice with a four-star rating. However, you might want to start working on another if you enjoy him (and he’s a fine Esper himself). For this one, we’ve already have plans.

Click onto the Gabrielle screen after leaving the Fabrice Esper Fusion one. A pretty familiar setup will be there, with a few minor but significant alterations. Fabrice must offered to the fusion machine in exchange for Gabrielle in order to obtain Berenice. And although while you still need four Espers to fuse Gabrielle, you must raise them all to level five in order to do so, which costs an additional 15 elite and 30 advanced Waves per Esper and requires each to be level 40.
Nevertheless, the steps to obtain the experience and Waves still the same; all that is required time and perseverance. But ideally, as you play more, Sonic Miracles’ higher levels will automatically play, giving you waves and experience more quickly. The procedure is precisely the same as with Fabrice after you have everything you need.
Gabrielle, Why Halt At One?
Of course, you are free to go once you have your Gabrielle Esper. But keep in mind the Resonance development system first. This enables you to provide duplicate Espers of the same type to your primary one, giving them percentage increases in either their ATK, DEF, or HP. Fabrice and Gabrielle are both excellent Espers. Why not improve them further then?