How To Save The File In Songs Of Conquest. Editing Hero Skills: A Guide to Editing the Save File (Stats, Skills/Powers, Levels). This section is titled “Skill”.
- Find your save file, usually at:
- C:\Users****\AppData\LocalLow\Lavapotion\SongsOfConquest\Savegames
- Open the file in Notepad++
- Search for your hero name. E.g. “Gnaw”.
Up until you see the following, move your cursor a little to the right: {\”Skill\”:12,\”Level\”:3}
This section is titled “Skill.” Your “Command” skill, which is level 3 when you begin, is skill number 12.
To display the entire section, there are two [] brackets. To distinguish each skill, use,.

In that case, Level 1 Arcana Magic, Level 1 Chaos Magic, and Level 3 Command would be available to you.
Important: Be sure to use the following format so you can easily break the file:
[skill 1, skill 2, skill 3, skill 4, skill 5, skill 6]
- 1st Skill: Melee
- 2nd skill: archery
- Skill 3: Shrewdness
- 4th skill: guard
- Combat Training, Skill No. 5
- Ability 6: Disrupts the game (do not use)
- Arcane Magic is Skill No. 7.
- Eighth skill: Chaos Magic
- Skill 9: Magic of Creation
- Skill 10: Unexpected Talents and Abilities
Hero Stats Editing

After passing the Skills section, continue scrolling down to find the following:
Just alter the values. Enjoy!
Changes to Hero Level
Edit the line that comes next to your hero’s name:
Substitute any desired number for.
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