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Where To Find Lost Helmet Fall Guys

Where To Find Lost Helmet Fall Guys

Where To Find Lost Helmet Fall Guys. In order to receive a free Halo skin and other benefits as part of the Spartan Showdown limited-time event. You must locate Lost Helmets in Fall Guys.

To get those free gifts while you can, you must locate these Lost Helmets. While playing the unique Spartan Showdown mode, just like in prior Fall Guys events that included collectibles.

Fall Guys Lost Helmet locations explained

Where To Find Lost Helmet Fall Guys
Where To Find Lost Helmet Fall Guys

You must gather each Lost Helmet located in Dizzy Heights, Tip Toe, Gate Crash, Big Shots. And Thin Ice in order to complete all of the Spartan Showdown challenges throughout the event. And obtain no cost Halo-themed goodies.

The only place to find these collectibles is in the Spartan Showdown mode. You must simply keep playing as you have no control over which round will played next. In order to eventually complete every minigame that contains a Lost Helmet.

To find the Lost Helmets, make sure Spartan Showdown is open to you.

You’re keeping an eye out for a flying pink Spartan helmet while you play these rounds. Even if you’ve already gathered one, it will always respawn in these particular minigames during Spartan Showdown.

When you find the Lost Helmet, simply enter it by walking, jumping. Or diving to complete the challenge and gain points toward the free Halo goodies.

Fall Guys – Lost Helmet – Dizzy Heights

Where To Find Lost Helmet Fall Guys
Where To Find Lost Helmet Fall Guys

In Fall Guys, you must make it to the center of the spinning platforms. On the upper level of the course in order to the Dizzy Heights Lost Helmet. The center of this rotating, circular platform is where the helmet is located.

The Dizzy Height Lost Helmet situated in the center of the top rotating platforms.

Once you’ve added the helmet to your collection. Work your way back up to the top if you fall to the bottom part.

Location of Fall Guys Tip Toe’s Lost Helmet

Where To Find Lost Helmet Fall Guys
Fall Guys Tiptoe Tips and Tricks 2

You must fall through the sixth platform at the start of the level in Fall Guys to locate. And obtain the Tip Toe Lost Helmet. It might even be feasible to plunge into the helmet after falling from a nearby platform.

Every time Tip Toe played, a different set of platforms disappear after stood on. Therefore it’s conceivable that you won’t immediately be able to obtain this Lost Helmet. You can try diving if you fall from one of the other spots around the helmet, as was already indicate. But it probably simpler to just try for the helmet every time Tip Toe started.

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Fall Guys Gate Crash: Where is my helmet?

Where To Find Lost Helmet Fall Guys
FGLevel GateCrash

Although the Gate Crash Lost Helmet in Spartan Showdown is very obvious to find. Obtaining it while attempting to qualify can be challenging. You must jump in direction of middle door at the level’s end, just before finish line, to obtain Lost Helmet.

Before reaching the finish line, leap in the direction of the middle door to grab the Gate Crash Lost Helmet.

Every time, jump toward the pink helmet at the bottom of the slide. And aim for the center door to add it to your collection. When you respawn at the top of the slide after falling, you can try again.

Fall Guys Big Shots Missing Helmet

Where To Find Lost Helmet Fall Guys
Fall Guys Gate Crash tips 800×400 1

You must balance on a see-saw while dodging shots in order to pass Big Shots. Start jumping in the middle of the platform at the beginning of the round to grab the Lost Spartan Helmet.

In the center of the see-saw the Big Shots Lost Helmet.

If it doesn’t work, wait until the platform leans to one side, climb up it, jump into the helmet. And dive out again.

Location of Fall Guys’s Lost Helmet

Where To Find Lost Helmet Fall Guys
Splash ThinIce

Go to the center of the flimsy platform in Fall Guys to the Thin Ice Lost Helmet. Stand there until the ice shattered sufficiently to show the pink helmet.

To find the Lost Helmet, go to the center of Thin Ice.

When attempting to obtain this Lost Helmet, be caution since if all of the ice layers below you melt. You will fall into the slime and removed.

Playing Spartan Showdown in Fall Guys should be enjoyable.