The Quarry All Clues And Evidence. So The Quarry Summer Camp litter with eleven pieces of evidence. Some of which are more challenging to locate than others.
So Evidence included in the Collectibles that may found everywhere across The Quarry, along with Tarot Cards and Clues. So In one chapter, the characters—primarily Kaitlyn Ka—decide to band together, begin assembling evidence. And begin recording everything in order to convince the police that their account is true.
Because The discussion between Grace Corbin and Anton Anderson. Hosts of the podcast Bizarre Yet Bonafide, But in the epilogue influenced by the amount of evidence gathered. In addition, players earn the Conspiracy Theorist Achievement for gathering all of the Evidence in The Quarry.
In The Quarry, Where To Find All The Evidence

There ten pieces of evidence altogether, and one can found in each chapter of The Quarry.
Chapter | Character | Evidence | Location |
1 | Abigail | Empty Vial | While playing as Abigail in the first chapter. So There a giant tree in the middle of the Hackett Cabins area. So Interact with it to find an Empty Vial of blood, the first clue. |
2 | Emma | Torn Bags | When the Camp Counselors decide to throw one last bonfire party. But Jacob and Emma task to some supplies. But In the Camp Store, walk to the end of the room to find a lock door. But Which can open by calling Jacob. So Inside, there two Torn Bag. |
3 | Jacob | Bloated Corpse | For this Evidence, player must choose to STEAL ROTOR ARM in chapter one as Jacob. But While swimming with Emma, the Sports Coach will drop the Rotor Arm in the lake. So Pick the following choices to save Jacob. And So the third Evidence, Bloat Corpse. DIVE INGRABQTE UPDETANGLE. |
4 | Emma | Attack Photo | After Emma reaches the treehouse, SEARCH BAGS to the taser. When the trapdoor opens. And the werewolf Max emerge, USE TASER to stun it. Then TAKE PHOTO of the Attack Photo to use it as Evidence. |
5 | Dylan | Claw Marks | Back at the Hackett Cabins. So Dylan can take pictures of Claw Marks on the Radio Hut Cabin wall. |
6 | Jacob | Memory Card | Jacob will come back to The Island searching for Emma. Climb the wooden stairs. So And stay on the right path to find a broke camera. Because Interact with it to acquire the Memory Card Evidence. |
7 | Laura | Cease and Desist Letter | So After Laura bandage her eye in the Police Station. But Head out to the main office and search for the printers outside Travis office. The Cease & Desist Letter should there. |
8 | Laura | Scarred Flesh | So The Scar Flesh found on a square platform near the giant column in the Quarry Mines. |
9 | Ryan | Kaylee Letter | Ryan will enter a bedroom after he stab in chapter nine. Next to the empty cabinet. But There a box that contains Kaylee Letter. |
10 | Kaitlyn | Trail Cam Footage | The last Evidence find in the Lodge attic. So Climb the stairs near the classroom on the second floor. And So Kaitlyn should find Trail Cam Footage inside a cardboard box. |
So The Quarry accessible on the Xbox One, PS4, PS5, PC, and PC Series X/S.