How To Survive Against Dredge In Dead By Daylight. The Dredge is a distinct type of Dead by Daylight Killer, and survivors should use specific tactics to defeat them.
The list of Killers in Dead by Daylight filled with clowns, country bumpkins, ghosts. And other stalwarts of the horror genre. Each one gives the game a fresh mechanic. Some are straightforward, like the Huntress’s hatchet throwing, while others are intricate, like the Doctor’s electric shocks that cause madness.
Dead by Daylight introduces the Dredge in the chapter Roots of Dread. A warped synthesis of a town’s bad emotions and thoughts. This deformed Killer endowed with a number of abilities, including the capacity to teleport between lockers. Leave a Remnant of itself in its wake, and cast Nightfall over the map. The unprepared may have difficulty surviving the Dredge. This is the procedure.
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Lock Wisely

Teleporting between lockers is one of the Dredge’s most significant abilities. The Killer can move about the map easily because to this ability, which gives it significant mobility. However, survivors are not powerless in the face of this force. Locks can placed on lockers by survivors, which slows the Dredge as it leaves. The mechanics are straightforward, but it might be difficult to discern when to lock and when not to.
Locks can broken by the Dredge using either its basic attack. Or by teleporting to and exiting from a locker. Both of these cause the Dredge to move more slowly. Thus some Survivors could decide it’s best to just lock every locker as soon as the chance presents itself.
Unfortunately, each locker can only locked once during the Trial, which bad news for Survivors. Simply barricading every locker the Survivor can is a bad option because there is a good probability. That the Dredge will have the opportunity to open the lock early. Making it impossible for Survivors to halt the Killer when it matters most.
It would be preferable to only lock some lockers. Locking lockers near a working generator. And those close to the exit gates will often make it simpler for you to escape at the end. It is a good idea to only bar one of them at a time. Returning later to lock another once the Dredge has broken the previous lock. If there several lockers and only one of them barred. The Dredge forced to teleport to the locked one first.
Don’t Overestimate Nightfall

The Nightfall meter fills up faster as the Dredge teleports, hurts, and hooks more Survivors. As Nightfall fills the map, survivors plunged into darkness and have significantly reduced visibility. It’s crucial not to underestimate the strength of this power, even though Nightfall can be unsettling. And make looping challenging, especially if the Survivor is unfamiliar with the map.
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Once it gets close enough, The Dead by Daylight Killer is still plainly identifiable. More significantly, there’s something that Survivors can do to ensure that they cross over safely before Nightfall happens. It’s crucial to be aware of one’s surroundings. Keep track of the position of adjacent escape routes and supplies like pallets. And window vaults while navigating the map or working on a generator. Even if they can’t see anything,player will have good sense of where to flee to when Nightfall arrives.
Anticipate The Teleport

The Dredge has two main uses for its teleportation power. Finding Survivors outside of a chase or cutting them off and hurting them inside of a chase. Predicting when and where the Dead by Daylight Killer will teleport is a crucial ability that will keep Survivors alive.
Survivors should be cautious of the Dredge’s approach. If they close to crucial goals like generators, the exit gates (once they have been power). Or hex totems because the Killer would likely search such regions for Survivors. Survivors should be especially cautious of the Killer’s mobility during Nightfall because the Dredge can teleport much more quickly. They should also make sure the Dredge doesn’t utilize its strength to teleport ahead of them and obstruct them.
Abandon Loops

The Dredge doesn’t instantly teleport when it utilizes its power. Instead, it departs, leaving a smoke-filled Remnant in its wake. Unless it chooses to teleport to a locker, shut off its power, or teleport back to the Remnant. By pursuing Survivors toward its Remnant and then leaping back to it. The Dredge can utilize its Remnant to land blows on them.
The Killer will then try to catch up with the Survivors. If they choose to leave the loop without touching the Remnant, which destroys it. A Survivor will survive the Dredge much longer if they know when to give up on looping.
Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Stadia, Xbox One. And Xbox Series X/S are among the platforms that support Dead By Daylight.