How To Get Metal Ore In Raft. One of the most crucial crafting materials in Raft is metal ingot. It is created by melting metal ores in a smelter, albeit acquiring metal ores is difficult.
In the game, metal ingots are used to construct a variety of items. These include of supplies, weaponry, navigational aids, tools like the Shovel, and more. As a result, it only makes sense to buy as many Metal Ingots as you can.
However, you must first collect a lot of Metal Ores in order to obtain Metal Ingots. The difficulty in obtaining Metal Ores stems from the necessity of deep underwater diving. But Raft is primarily focused on that. Here is how to obtain a lot of Metal Ores in the game, without further ado.
How To Get Metal Ore In Raft

You must go deep underwater to find Metal Ore. They are typically found on the walls of islands and around them. To gather them, you’ll need a Hook, though. Additionally, since they are found deep underwater, you must utilise flippers and an oxygen bottle.
The following step is to smelt the Metal Ores into Metal Ingots after you have them in your inventory. You’ll need a Smelter to accomplish this, which you can make out of 4 Planks, 6 Dry Bricks, 6 Nails, and 4 Pieces of Scrap.
Place your ore materials in the smelter, then watch as they are all transformed into ingots.